Rulers have their people spending their days working in various shops to complete simple tasks and then in the evenings they have those same people locked away and hidden with no sort of freedom. It seems that for the Ottoman empire, total domination is an intense form of servitude, and all duties are completed for the good of the kingdom. A sense of self seems to be forgotten.
2. A picaro can be described as a person who lives off of the means of others by thieving, spending their nights hidden away in their homes, or someone who essentially “works” for a master but spends their time stealing from him to feed/clothe other people. A picaro sounds like someone who would spend a lot of time in the streets and in jail in our current times, but in reality it is a person who, for whatever circumstances, is down on their luck and needs a place to call home and food of their table. These “picaros” do not have these things or anyone to give them to them so they have to do whatever is necessary to survive. In this case it is stealing for dinner, and stealing for clothes to wear. Lazarillo’s first master was called his “Uncle”. He was a blind man, and treated Lazarillo very badly. There were often times were Lazarillo would try to take advantage