Water vapor makes up about ninety five percent of the greenhouse gases. Water vapor is 99.999% of natural origin. Other atmospheric greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and miscellaneous other gases (CFC's, etc.), are also mostly of natural origin and very little are caused by humans in the overall scheme of things. So the makes one wonder why global climate change activist skip over the fact that humans just are not creating enough emissions to even be credited to contributing at least one percent of the total greenhouse
Water vapor makes up about ninety five percent of the greenhouse gases. Water vapor is 99.999% of natural origin. Other atmospheric greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and miscellaneous other gases (CFC's, etc.), are also mostly of natural origin and very little are caused by humans in the overall scheme of things. So the makes one wonder why global climate change activist skip over the fact that humans just are not creating enough emissions to even be credited to contributing at least one percent of the total greenhouse