Preparation for College Writing 2
Essay #3 In the article “Fear of Heights: Teachers, Parents, and Students are Wary of Achievement.” Author Bob Chase, who is president of the National Education Association, pointed that teachers and parents should more worried about the students who are involved in many extracurricular activities after school. He called these students are the “C” students because they are busy doing activities after school and not engaging in their school work. For that case teachers and parents should worry less about the A student with two or three friends and worry more about the C student with an active extracurricular life. We should be more concern of C students and care less for the A student.
As a matter of fact, …show more content…
majority of teachers favor the A student rather than the C student because the A students always doing their work and not bother nor waste their time in class. It’s good that teachers are worry and favor the A students more over the C student but what’s the point of being teachers if you only cared for the A students only.
The C students do try their best but the teacher doesn’t pay attention to them, showing the student how to solve the problem. For example, when I was in high school I was a C student always getting C’s on everything. That’s because some of my teachers did pay much attention to me and never asked me question in class. I tried to ask my algebra teacher ways I can improve my grades to B or A. But he just said I should study and pay attention in class. My teacher enjoy teaching the brilliant A workers. I wasn’t sure why am not favored by my math teacher in high school yet I tried working harder than some of the student in my class and I was so furious. So I give up trying to get B or A in algebra and so the next day I just walked into the class and hoped I pass test with what I already know. Many students spend less time doing their school work and spend more time doing other things such as jobs, after school activities. We should help students who get C’s and motivate them to spend more time doing their school assignments rather doing things that don’t involve school things. Teachers and parents shouldn’t pressure their
students; instead they should show them how working hard and how receiving A’s is good for you. Also parents shouldn’t force them to get a job, nor make them join after school activities because these things takes their time from studying and doing school work. Parents should spend at least time with their kids asking them how their doing in school or struggling in school. Sometimes they feel disappointed to ask for help. In fact from my perspective some students earn C because they struggle in class due to not paying attention and fool around with friends in class and the result is that teachers don't want to waste their time trying make sense into them. Also some students just want to earn a passing grades and don't care getting A’s nor B. Finally, teachers needs to treat all students the same under any circumstances. In conclusion, the C students need more attention than the A student because they need so they can improve their grades by spending more time studying and doing their school work. Ask the student if they need help even, if they don't ask for help. They just need little motivation from their teacher, so they don't have to keep earning C’s bu instead A’s.