The author I have chosen is Harry James Cargas, his expertise is an american scholar, author, teacher, and best known for his writing. The title, sunflower Symposium (pg. 124). James claims he is afraid not to forgive because he fears and believes he will not be forgiven. He is in a conflict, but he will not be able to forgive the SS soldier; the only one to forgive is God. Cargas main point is who even has the right to forgive, for example, “Who am I to forgive? I tremble with all of my being when i hold them fully responsible for their actions- but I do. Forgiveness is not something we may depend on others for, we must earn it.” Cargas believes that it is up to God to forgive the ones who do wrong.…
In the novel Forgiving Lies by Molly McAdams, Rachel has gone through a fair share of tragedy throughout her life starting with her parents dying right before she started her senior year of high school. Luckily, Candice’s family took her in and helped her get through her parents death. But recently, she was deceived by Blake, Candice’s cousin that she had a crush when they were kids. But because Rachel was five years younger, he ignored her. After months of Blake begging, Rachel finally agrees to go on a date with him.…
Forgiveness is given to many people who have acted in self defensive of their families. This was war time, and he was protecting his family from the advancing troops by helping his country win. He was providing food and shelter to his family through his loyal service to his country and orders he was given. If seen from his point of view, it may not seem he is so guilty. He was instructed from his commanders to destroy these villages or else he would die, his troops may die, or even his family would die.…
Herbert Marcuse, Religion/Philosophy, The Sunflower Symposium, (207-208). Herbert claims that if he absolutely had to pick he would not forgive the NAZI soilder. He solemnly thinks that he would do the exact same thing as the author and that he would not give an answer.…
Simon Wiesenthal takes his readers on a course back in time with his writings of The Sunflower. Simon recollects moments when he was subjected to live in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Karl, a dying SS soldier implores for forgiveness for his crimes against Jews to Simon. Our main character is conflicted by the request and leaves his readers by asking what would one have done being in his position. Proving an answer to this question can be determined by the analysis of Simon’s experiences and findings of experimenters. Philip Zimbardo and Stanley Milgram’s experiments demonstrate the relationship and effects that authority has on subjects. In “The Perils of Obedience”, Milgram applies his analysis of his experiments showing that…
After reading “What it is Like to Go to War” Karl Marlantes tells us the background, and also he leaves no uncertainty as to what it is like .The short biography of Karl Marlantes instantly informs the reader his books will not be regular fare. A National Merit Scholar, Marlantes attended Yale University. He attended Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, interrupted by his service in Vietnam as a young Lieutenant. There he was awarded the Bronze Star, the Navy Cross, and twelve Air Medals. Marlantes earned the right to be called a warrior and to educate those who have never been to war what it means to be…
Over the summer we read the book “The Sunflower”, a story written by Simon Wiesenthal. The story consists of a man named Simon having to make a choice of to forgive someone that has brought him great pain. Simon is faced with Nazi asking for forgiveness for all the people he has killed over the years. Simon makes a choice but later regrets it.…
A topic that was discussed thoroughly throughout the second half of this class in several novels and movies is guilt, whether criminal, political, moral, or metaphysical. This guilt concerning the Holocaust was discussed in terms of different groups of people, including the offenders, bystanders, or future generations of Germans. In Schlink’s The Reader (1995), for instance, guilt is an integral topic for the book’s main characters and they wrestle with it decades after the Holocaust. However, in non-fictional accounts from survivors, I do not think that their intent is to discuss or imply guilt, as some people believe they do. In my opinion, survivors of the Holocaust strive for its remembrance through a variety of mediums not to instill guilt or shame on future generations, but to preserve their individual, personal stories in history.…
Stanley Milgram, born a Jew, wonders how he was fortunate enough to be born and raised in the United States, however, he was still impacted by the Holocaust. He felt very passionate about the Holocaust and feels guilty that he hadn’t died in the concentration camps with his fellow Jews in Europe (Miller, 2015). Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, sought out the reasoning behind why Nazi soldiers blindly obeyed authority, especially after the Nuremberg War Criminal trials in World War II (McLeod, 2007). The Nuremberg War Criminal trials consisted of thirteen trials against the higher ranked “Nazi war criminals.” The Nazi criminals killed innocent Jews but proceeded to do so anyway during the Holocaust (Nuremberg Trials, 2015). Some of the Nazis knew killing Jews was immoral, but claim they were “just following orders.” The fact that Milgram was a Jew (Miller, 2015) accompanied by the testimonies in…
Simon Wiesenthal takes his readers on a course back in time with his writings of The Sunflower. Simon recollects moments when he was subjected to live in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Karl, a dying SS soldier implores for forgiveness for his crimes against Jews of Simon. Our main character is conflicted by the request and leaves his readers by asking what would one have done being in his position. Providing an answer to this question can be determined by the analysis of Simon’s experiences and findings of experimenters. Philip Zimbardo and Stanley Milgram’s experiments demonstrate the relationship and effects that authority has on subjects. In “The Perils of Obedience”, Milgram applies his analysis of his experiments showing…
Slavery played enormous roles in shaping the Revolution and its immediate aftermath during the years 1770 to 1800. Slavery in the colonies during this time period outlined the hypocritical nature of the revolutionaries as best seen in this quote from Foner. “’How is it … that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty from the drivers of negroes?’” (Foner, page 232) However, slavery also was a crucial party of the Colonies’ economies leading to the argument that slavery won Americans their war for Independence because of French aid. Moreover, slavery became a very contentious issue for the Nation to address after her battle for freedom was over.…
Another thing he said was “But then, there were human beings who were sensitive to our tragedy. Those non-Jews, those Christians, that we called the “Righteous Gentiles,” whose selfless acts of heroism saved the honor of their faith. Why were they so few? Why was there a greater effort to save SS murderers after the war than to save their victims during the war?” he was saying that after the war people cared more about helping the SS instead of the and there was few people that wanted to help the Jews that were being killed or injured.…
We second-guess others morals and why they act the way they do in certain situations every day. Elie Wiesel (who dat?) stated in his Nobel Prize speech, “For us, forgetting was never an option. Remembering is a noble and necessary act.” This quote explains that Elie, a Holocaust survivor, cannot forget his actions as well as others actions during this time. We look at people like Elie in awe after understanding the many hardships they have endured. It is impossible to stay noble, and was especially hard for Elie due to the dehumanization he experienced, as well as how Germany turned a blind eye to the atrocities taking place in the country.…
Contention: That soldiers’ justify their actions and regain a sense of themself when seeking to dissolve their guilt in war.…
-Over forty-one years after the My Lai Massacre, when US troops killed more than 500 men, women and children in Vietnam, the former Army lieutenant who was convicted for his role in the killings has publicly apologized. William Calley was the only US soldier held legally responsible for the slayings. He was convicted on twenty-two counts of murder, and his sentence was later commuted by President Reagan. Last week, William Calley publicly apologized for the first time, saying, “There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai." He added that he had been following orders.…