3.) Concepts:
• There are 4 seasons winter, spring, summer, and fall
• Summer time it gets hot, so we wear bathing suits, shorts, short sleeved shirts
• Winter time its cold, snowy and we wear winter coats, gloves, hats, boots
• Spring usually brings rain which requires umbrella, rain coat and boots
• During the fall, it starts to get chilly so we start wearing sweatshirts and coats,
4.) NYS Common Core Learning Standard/s that would be …show more content…
Also, they will be familiarized with the type of clothing we should wear during the seasons.
6.) Material:
• Book “Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London”.
• Googly eyes
• Glue
• Foam sheets of people and clothing
• Scissors
• Velcro
7.) Procedure:
a) Motivation: Dress up in winter clothing, wear a scarf, winter hat and gloves.
b) Introduction: Brrr, it’s sure cold outside today, can anyone tell me what season do they think I am dressed for and what part of my clothing for this season is missing? (Coat)
c) Activity:
• Work with a group of six students at a time.
• Give each student a foam person and a season.
• Lay out on the table all foam velcro clothing pieces
• Have the students pick out the correct type of clothing based on their season
• Place the clothing on to the foam person which will create the outfit for the season
• Alternate the seasons as students complete each one
d.) Closure: Ask the students identify the four seasons and what season is approaching knowing we are in fall right and what type of clothing would we put on for