In the end, Alex Bumberg asks Russ Feingold why no one is pushing for a change in the system. His response, though it could be described as disheartening, is something that I can understand. “It’s the system, and it’s the water in which we swim…[they] were elected under the system...It’s hard to get people to change something after they win that way.” It is crushing to think that Congress could be so corrupt. But any system can be difficult to challenge, especially when it benefits so many people with so much influence. Bumberg points out how many of the politicians and lobbyists they spoke to hate the mess that is political fundraising. I honestly don’t think I understand the system well enough to fully appreciate that these individuals who…
Never has a man left the embrace of nature once he found himself enamored by it; this infatuation is found in both John Muir’s and Aldo Leopold’s writing, a sense of wanting to protect this deity they call Mother Nature, a moral and ethical responsibility which every human being has to this Mother. Both John Muir and Aldo Leopold recount their almost romantic encounter with Mother Nature in their books Our National Parks and A Sand County Almanac, respectively. However, in both books it is notable that each man carries instilled in the very fiber of their being a sense of dissatisfaction toward the process of mechanization and industrialization; processes which unfortunately…
why a relationship between nature and the human race is no longer important, supporting his…
In Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book Braiding Sweetgrass, she makes a compelling argument for the planet’s sustainability. Through several chapters, she illustrates how, despite how the Earth provides for all of our needs, we do not repay the favour and instead destroy the life it has left. We are not realizing the value of preserving the environment; instead, we are adapting to the thought that the extended use of fossil fuels is typical, climate change is irreversible, environmental pollution is an unfixable problem, endangered species are beyond salvation, and society has become increasingly disconnected to the planet as it once was. Kimmerer articulates this throughout multiple chapters.…
From the time when industrialization, technology developed human population began to destroy the nature for their benefits in trades, construction, supplies etc… Some examples of that idea includes the fictional environmental video “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss of 1972 and the real story of “Easter’s End” both have a similar background. The article “Easter Island’s End” shows how nature can get destroyed by human’s greed and their excessive desire to satisfy their lives. And, on the other hand the video “The Lorax” illustrated that human greed can cause environmental big problems. The video “The Lorax” also proves the fact that nature is important for living. Not only that the video and the article have a similar stories but also they both have some same key environmental issues in them. For example pollution, deforestation, and habitat loss were the key environmental problems in both the article and the video.…
David Suzuki’s A Sacred Balance and Al Gore’s A Climate Emergency both outline the detrimental ways in which technology, population growth, and our way of living have begun to and will continue to destroy our diverse ecosystem. However, the outlooks that these two environmental giants have on man’s role in the world are perfectly opposite. “There is no environment ‘out there,’” urges Suzuki, “we are born of the earth and constructed from the four sacred elements of earth, air, fire, and water” (432). Gore, contrastingly, doesn’t look at humans as part of the interconnected “web,” but as rather just “[having an] impact on [the earth]” (456).…
Many of us have heard about the black plague. We have heard the horror and sadness that followed it as it spread. Barbara Tuchman wrote an essay called “This is the End of World”: The Black Death.” She tells us in more detail about what is officially known as the bubonic plague. The symptoms, the different types of the illness, where it spread, and how the people acted as a result of the plague are just a few things she wrote about.…
In his critique, “The Trouble with Wilderness or Getting Back to the Wrong Nature,” William Cronon argues against the romantic conceptualization of nature that a great portion of the environmentalist movement has embraced. Subsequently, Cronon revokes the Romantic and even quasi-religious notion that wilderness spaces are separate from those inhabited by man. He argues that by eliminating the divide in perception between the human constructs of the natural world and the civilized world, man will be encouraged to take more responsibility for his actions that negatively impact the environment. In prefacing his conclusion, he writes, “Home, after all, is the place where finally we make our living. It is the place for which we take responsibility,…
She says, “Man is a great blunderer going about in the woods… There is no scavenger that eats tin cans, and no wild thing leaves a like disfigurement on the forest floor” (Austin, 139). Humans are the external force that wreak havoc with nature. They disrupt the balance by leaving a trace and do not respect how it is. Humans view nature as a material resource at their disposal, when it truly belongs to no one.…
Jeremy Butman’s article “Against Sustainability” speaks of the personalization of nature in today’s society. He talks about Descartes and how his influence caused many people to retreat from worshiping God. Instead they begin to give his attributes to nature. Butman continues the article speaking of how humanity typically fears change. When we speak of sustainability we don’t talk about sustaining nature, instead we want nature the way we have become accustomed to. Humanity views nature as perfect, and as mentioned before even goes as far as to allow it to replace God, instead of viewing it as ever-changing. Nature is something that we are actively involved in. By continuing to call for the preservation of nature, Butman believes that we are…
We are destroying our environment only to change our surroundings into what we think is more esthetically pleasing. I agree with Thompson’s evaluation of the Nacerima culture and behavior. We cannot exist on only man made products. By altering our environment we are changing the quality of the very things we need for our survival. Everything that we do has an impact on something else. The cars that we conveniently drive every day are contaminating the air in which we breathe. Not convinced? Just take a look at global warming. We are responsible.…
Over the years, the planet’s luscious greenery, vast bodies of ocean, and clear blue skies have declined at a steady rate with the overtake of industrial buildings and pollution from technology . For the explorers and hard-core transcendentalists who devote themselves to living on the healthy and undeveloped parts of the world, nature and “the life and simple beauty of it is too good to pass up.” (McCandless 12/7/16) If technological advancements continue to occupy most of Earth, this appreciative view of the planet will no longer be attractive to those whose lives depend and thrive upon its bare soil. To some Transcendentalist preachers, like Henry David Thoreau, nature is also perceived as “daily to be shown matter to come in contact with,” giving people a chance to ask “Who are we?…
The thought of reading about issues like skyrocketing populations, urban anarchy, environmental destruction, and slums worldwide in The Ends of The Earth never crossed my mind. But Robert Kaplan covers them all, from Ivory Coast, to Iran and China, arguing that these places are tiny windows into the future. Although the book takes place over multiple continents and places thousands of miles apart, Kaplan maintains one point throughout: everything is connected. Colonial masters, political stability, geography, and suitable economy all are vastly important.…
(Saki, 4). Nature is unpredictable but will always reflect on humans with natural indifference. It is not good or bad for humanity. For example, on Earth right now, humans have contributed to the destruction of the environment. Consequently, nature has returned this sentiment of hate and warped into unpredictability in the form of events such as natural disasters.…
Just like the game “the name of the game is the game itself,” The End of Nature is a book written by Bill McKibben that talks about the end of nature. It is about the different destructions brought by the activities of humans towards nature. Although questions has been raised regarding the span of time that these effects will happen and the magnitude or the extent of which these effects will happen, the author argues that most have underestimated the factors on the nature’s end.…