
Summary Of Gender Roles By Scott Russel Sanders

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Summary Of Gender Roles By Scott Russel Sanders
“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him.” Men and women have extremely contrasting rules in our society. These gender roles are very apparent in the way we see ourselves as women, which is based on how we have been treated and the actions taken toward equality. Scott Russel Sanders expresses his views on the problems that exist between gender roles and social class issues during his childhood.

Sanders narrates to us what he witnessed in his childhood and how his views developed and changed through the story. During his childhood, Sanders observed the harsh lives and poor conditions of his surrounding group of people. Moreover, Sanders believed that men in his time had no choice of their future, in fact, he thought that men would only survive if they were either a factory worker or a soldier which he anticipated he would become one of these two. From his yard, Sanders used to view the prison, the black prisoners, and the white guards that didn’t bend their back to do their jobs. His perception that men worked all day long for the sake of their families, as a result, built up expectations that men will die sooner and women will live longer since they do
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Sanders ideas of women before college were females who sat around the house cleaning, cooking, reading, baby-sitting, and running errands. As a boy, the author envied women because he thought they lived a luxurious life and had it easy. However, during college, socializing and communicating with his females colleagues opened his eyes that women had to undertake many hardships. He realized that both men and women go through difficult situations equally, they may not be the same but are definitely as

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