
Summary Of Good Man Is Hard To Find

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Summary Of Good Man Is Hard To Find
The author begins “Good Man is Hard to Find”, with introduction of the family that are debating where to go on vacation Tennessee or Florida. The main character is Grandmother, dishonest person that pretend to be a proper lady, her emotionally unstable son Bailey, his wife and their three children.Despite grandmother’s comments about serial killer that escape from federal prison, Bailey insisted on family go to Florida, making this the grates mistake that would cost him and his family their lives. The violent criminal,who convinced that is no real pleasure in life “but meanness”(553), killed entire family without any compunction.
Through the story line, the main question is who is the good man? Is it grandmother’s only son Bailey, who is taking care about
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But in contrast to other characters his is not position him self as a superior person, admitting his mistakes, not pretending believing in God, but clearly rejecting him “Jesus showing everything off balance. It was the same case with him as with me” (553), Misfit even compare himself to God.Through the story his personality and opinion doesn't change, he stick with what he believes is right, and makes it very clear.He believed that it was a mistake him being convicted and punished for what he has not done ,but he was not asking for salivation,or forgiveness “ I don’t want no help…I’m doing all right by my self” (552) , he would admit during the conversation with Grandmother. But on the other hand he confess “I ain’t a good man , but I ain’t the worst in the world neither”(551). Moreover ,before he killed Grandmother, she would almost scream to him “I know you are good man”, he would agree with her bringing example of his parents “God never made a finer women than my mother and my daddy’s heart was pure gold” (550).Hence, is Misfit is misguided, mentally ill figure or a cold hearted, violent

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