Assignment-Read Hannah Foster’s The Coquette—a fictional novel, though as the introduction reveals, one based on actual events—and write a 3-page essay that answers the following question:
To what extent is Eliza Wharton’s demise a self-induced product of her own choices, or how much of it is a consequence of matters outside of her control? Is Eliza herself to be fully blame for the outcome of this story, or are other factors (other individuals, social values, behavioral norms) that are to blame? In particular, I want you to balance you to have a balance of analysis about individuals who make decisions in the book, and analysis of the way the peculiarities of the society in which they live impact …show more content…
is important. The papers should be 3 pages typed and double-spaced, with 1” margins and Times New Roman 12 point font. PROOFREAD CAREFULLY. I often find reading your paper out loud to yourself helps. Papers are to be submitted to the Carmen dropbox, in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format, by Wednesday October 30th at 8 P.M. If for some reason you have technical difficulties uploading your paper to Carmen, you must email me your paper before the deadline to avoid having a late penalty assessed on your grade. As per the syllabus, you lose 3 points for each day the paper is late. If you don’t have access to Microsoft word in your home/dorm, use a university computer. No other format is acceptable.
-Citations & sources: There is no need to consult outside sources for this assignment. Therefore, citations to material from the book can simply be parenthetical references to the page number. -Ex: Eliza’s mother, Mrs. M. Wharton, noted that “our greater or less degree of happiness must be derived from ourselves.” (136).
-PLEASE INCLUDE A WORKS CITED PAGE so I know what edition of The Coquette you are using. For instance, if you used the edition I ordered to the bookstore, yours will look like