The following are all parts of the internal organs of the male reproductive system EXCEPT the…
In relation to the health belief model, a relevant campaign would be the Change 4 Life campaign. This campaign gives enough information and resources to alcohol abusers whose lives are at risk because of alcohol. It helps them to eventually quit their habit of drinking. This campaign also helps to recognise the core factors of the drinking habit an individual may be suffering from. They have a wide range of facilities ranging from “Tracker” app and facts and tips on how to make sure you have a acceptable and healthy intake of alcohol. This campaign shows the benefits of following alcohol rules to achieve better health.…
This article, by Narayan Chandran, compares Edgar Allen Poe's "Masque of the Red Death" to William Shakespeare's "Macbeth". During the banquet scene in "Macbeth", there is a shadowy figure that places itself in the chair of Banquo and produces an intense effect with the rest of the assembly. This is very similar to Poe's spectral image that is the Red Death. The other people in Prince Prospero's abbey are appalled with this new addition to their group. Both are meant to have a powerful visual result.…
As well as the connection between children of alcoholic parents growing up themselves to abuse alcohol. The film mentioned facts such as “alcohol is the most widely used drug among teenagers”, yet the focus of the film was strongly orientated towards adult alcoholics. Since many individuals begin drinking during adolescents, the film should have focused more on how to prevent teenagers from becoming dependent on alcohol, rather than fixing the problem once it has…
In our study, we researched the effect that drinking has on a college athletes in the evaluation of their grade point average (GPA). The following variables were used: GPA, alcoholic drinks consumed on average per week, sport he/she participated in. Our sample population includes both male and female athletes at Davenport University. We chose these variables because being college athletes we were curious as to if drinking alcohol has taken an effect on an athlete’s academic performance. Davenport University has strict guidelines that requires athletes not to consume alcohol 48 hours prior to a game or practice, or if underage no alcohol tolerance. Our basketball coach is very strict up these rules and does not tolerate any kind of drinking. This led us to wonder if the alcohol drank effects a student athlete’s GPA. To conduct this survey, we randomly selected Davenport college athletes. We brought the surveys in the training room, dorm rooms, and in the cafeteria. The sample is well representative of the population because the survey was given to different sports teams and not just centered on friends.…
Based on a student athlete’s perspective, a member of a fraternity or sorority would drink much more heavily than someone competing in NCAA competitions every weekend. Their belief is such because there is much more opportunity to partake in drinking activities. Many studies have been done, such as one by Yusko and his colleagues that was published in the Journal of College American Health, to show that “during the week consumption is typically similar to that of a non-athlete non-Greek student.” However on a typical weekend a student athlete may binge drink the entire weeks’ worth of alcohol in one night, and then some. This can even out frequency of drinking of one group with a lower quantity with quantity of beverages consumed by another group less frequently. Due to this a Greek life member would be inclined to argue that athletes drink just as much as sorority and fraternity members. Yusko’s study contributed the unique factors of their environment such as “heightened stress, time constraints, social environments, and an increased physical demand” playing a role in how alcohol…
In today’s society, alcohol consumption has been taken on as a norm. It can be seen in every arena of life from been seen through the media or through our own personal eyes. When consumed in moderation, alcohol consumption can have some positive effects on individuals. One can get livelier, easier and relaxed. One can also talk more easily and feel less tired. According to some researchers, moderate alcohol use protects against cardiovascular diseases (Carlson, 2009). Socially, some people claim that it also has positive effects. It provides a lot of employment in the production, catering and retail of products and services in which alcohol plays a part. Also, people claim that alcoholic beverages help people socialize. However, if consumed when young, alcohol consumption can have a negative effect. Increasing the age limit on alcohol purchasing to 25 can decrease the consumption rate, misuse rate, and addiction rate among individuals.…
Alcoholism is a very dangerous disorder that many people are suffering from. A lot of Americans don’t realize that alcoholism is a big deal, and they may not even know someone very close to them is an alcoholic. For the paper I chose to sit in on an alcohol anonymous meeting and this is what I observed.…
Society and media has always made an impression that alcohol is an essential ingredient in social gatherings. Television, radio, magazine, social media, and so forth are major advertisers for ads pertaining to alcohol, since liquor companies pay major amount of money to advertise in these media outlets. These media ads are seen everywhere from sports, to nightclubs, to billboards, more than million liquor commercials and ads appear in all of media outlets. I believe, majority of people from ages 21-35 are more known to drink alcohol on frequent basis than others, whether it's at home, or place of social gatherings. Many college students receive bad grades if they have a bad habit of drinking alcohol, it causes them not to focus or concentrate in their studies, or…
Alcoholism and the disease of addiction have been viewed in two strong yet completely different ends of the spectrum for as long as men and women have been losing control of how much and when they drink. One end of the spectrum is the immoralist point of view, which claims the “alcoholic as not having morals” (Gary, 1999). When describing alcoholics, they have also been known to call them “sinful” or “moral weaklings” (Gary, 1999). Throughout history, the alcoholic has been ridiculed, as described by Gary Stofle in the article “The Morality of Alcoholism”: “Society has ascribed to these views as evidenced by the fact that alcoholics have been jailed just for being alcoholics in the past. At worst, alcoholics have been killed or left to die because of society 's views and from a lack of knowledge concerning treatment of alcoholism as well. At best, alcoholics have been laughed at, scorned, pitied and/or run out of town” (1999). These views of the alcoholic have caused a great many to relapse, and even die, when all that was needed was a little understanding of the disease. The biggest problem with holding this view of addiction is that it can be potentially fatal for the alcoholic of…
Every weekend there are young adults ages eighteen to twenty engaging in underage drinking at parties. Alcohol plays a huge role in today's’ society. More people drink today than ever before. It is clear that alcohol has had a good impact on people’s lives, but it is more clear that it has had an negative impact on people’s lives. Alcoholic beverages include good things such as happiness for celebrations. Downfalls of alcohol include DUIs, addictions, and death.…
Druglit.wps Alcoholism / A Realistic Case : A 10 page narrative illustratively detailing the author 's experience with a friend who was discovered to be an alcoholic. Near the report 's conclusion, an analysis is made based upon common concepts and terminologies taught in health and even sociology classes. No bibliography. Alcojeff.wps The Validity of Alcoholism as a Disease: A 5 page paper exploring the possibilities that alcoholism is not, in fact, a disease.…
According to the college drinking prevention, “according to conventional wisdom, it should be possible to use mass communications to get people to act on behalf of their own health and well-being or to "do right" by important social causes.” (DeJong,…
Ethical concerns were respected in every phase of development and implementation of this study. For example, the principles of the Belmont Report (U.S. DHEW, 1979)—which include respect, justice, and beneficence—were adhered in all phases of this study. Moreover, the investigator received permission to perform research in compliance with federal regulations (Hall, Prochazka, & Fink, 2012; Stoljar, 2011). Also, the investigator submitted the application form requesting an expedited review for this study; and, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (See Appendix K), the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects, and the Memorial Hermann Clinical Innovation and Research Institute (See Appendix L and M) approved it. Memorial…
* TAL facing external changes has looked inward for improvement and expansion of the Company’s Information Technology System…