lay ministers because in the aftermath people lose the physical aspects on their lives and seek after a higher power to help them spiritually (p.38).
When disaster strikes, some may lose hope and begin to stress about what they have lost especially if it includes a loved one.
The faith based organizations as well as community members can offer assistance when the Federal agencies have gone on to assists other disasters. Local organization members are there every day to see the people in their local community, and have the capability to be utilized as a link to other services. Koenig points out that preparation before the disaster is as crucial as being able to organize and this must be done so there is a coordination of volunteers to help restore order (83). Volunteers must be coordinated in a manner that allows resources to be identified as well as offer rain alternative assistance in the wake of a disaster. The
concern for the spiritual well-being of those affected by disaster must be addressed as well as the natural resources. Communication between faith based organizations and the national organizations must be coordinated so that the national organization can do their part and to know what resources the local organization or faith based organization can provide before a crisis occurs. Faith based organizations can also coordinate their resources because the response to a disaster is complex but it must be managed so that those in need can have access to resources. Coping with stress and disaster has never been easy and Koenig states that “the primary role of the faith community is to provide spiritual counseling in the wake of a disaster” (p.53). The faith community will be there and those members will visits when members of the community are sick or do not have the mobility to get around themselves. The local faith based community may be familiar with the people in the community and can help them find resources to assists with their needs.
Concrete Responses
Koenig talked about connecting faith based organizations with the national organizations and I remember the connection that was involved during Hurricane Andrew in Hampstead, Florida. I was stationed at Fort Drum in New York and some of us were called to assist the Red Cross serving the local community. I remember the people coming for water and other supplies and the Red Cross wanted to find out if there was a local priests or pastors that would walk around and just interact with the people that were coming in for services. I saw people crying and upset that their homes and in most cases their belongings were gone for good. The people that had lost everything in the hurricane seemed less stress once they saw the priests or the pastor of the local church just being there. They listen to stories about the people seeing the roof being torn off buildings around them did not know what to do. They were in the life for middle all of a disaster of a ended no from 1 minute to the next whether they would survive. The local minister was there all sharing prayer and words of encouragement but I saw no one turning him look away. There was a tent set up with cots and chairs for people to rest, some people had nowhere to go and some were still looking for a place to stay. The national organization and the local organization were busy trying to find places where people could rest or just tried to eliminate some of the stress. While my soldiers and I were there people came up to us and told us thank you for assisting in handing out bottled water, nonperishable items other usable goods. God knows who to send to help others and I was glad that I was chosen to go to understand God’s plan for me.
What really bothered me about this book and was that it seems to be only available through this class. I have been in several churches that were a part of mission work to help during tornado and then hurricane disasters, and I have not heard of this book. When I first received this book I took it to my pastor and two other ministers in the area and they had never heard of the book. What needs to happen is for any one that goes to seminary school should have this book on their must read list. They should be able to take this back to whenever format they are preaching or teaching and prepare their members in case of a disaster. This book has a real need because disaster can strike at any time at it and not only does the national organization need to be prepared but every local church and community leader should have a collaboration of what they could provide. There are so many local churches that the community should be able to survive any disaster along with the assistance of the national organization. .