
Summary Of Infinite Monkeys By Mike Dover

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Summary Of Infinite Monkeys By Mike Dover
In today’s world of continuous usage and advancement of technology, its presence and evolution involves those who will be either affected or “controlled”. Technology’s impact creates a dynamic change of living and adaptations of the world itself. Reliance and emotional investment toward a form of manufactured gadgetry can now be seen as a necessity, or even equal to physical, human interaction. Technology is able to modify the structure of our lives, but to what extent? Desensitization of how we perceive and comprehend human behaviors can ultimately change through the specter of technology.
The over consumption of any particular item or activity will ultimately change a person’s behavior and through process. Specifically, author Mike Dover , conceptually interprets technology as a “good”
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In Dante’s Infinite Monkeys: Technology Meets The Seven Deadly Sins, Dover writes about how “the Internet, and technology in general, have provided new ways for wrath, lust, gluttony, sloth, pride, envy, and greed to insert themselves into our lives (Mui).” Dover’s perception of the creeping evils that come with the internet and technology, is most perceptible in today’s youth and younger generation. Greenfield, a psychology professor and director of UCLA Children’s Digital Media Center, speaks on the social costs from the obsession of digital technology. Greenfield cites her center’s study on how college students felt mosts “bonded”, when talking to their friends face-to-face, and most distant when text messaging; and yet, they still voluntarily choose to communicate through text (Cook). A article in Psychology Today, states that more than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media. That number only increases as children age, with 95% of teens 12-17 spending time

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