
Summary Of Jennie In The Yellow Wallpaper

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Summary Of Jennie In The Yellow Wallpaper
In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, women are given the roll of being stay-at-home moms or housewives, as men are given the roll of smart and prestigious doctors and honored men. In the story, both, the main character and Jennie, have no jobs or no other hobbies than staying at home. This is supported when the narrator talks about her sister in law or John’s sister, Jennie, she mentions that Jennie had been taking care of the house and of her due to her being sick.

How are mothers represented?
In this story, the narrator or main character is represented as an un-well woman who is unfit to take care of her self and her baby that she has to have nanny taking care of her baby. However, even though she is not well, she mentions that there is one thing that comforts her the most “The baby is well and happy and does not have to occupy this nursery with the horrid wall-paper” (pg. 1675). Within those few words, it shows that a mother will always care for her children and even though the narrator is not mentally okay, she still has her child in the back of her mind showing that there is care for her child. By having a nanny, the narrator can maybe ensure that her baby is well taken care of while she is sick, however, having a nanny is very controversial. Many people can portray this as her not being a good mother and
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However, throughout this story, we can see that the main character has a passion and is very good at writing and that Jennie is very good at playing piano and singing. This piece of information shows that the main character was in someway rebellious due to her love of writing and not willing to stop even though her husband strictly prohibited. Women around this time period, like the main character, were seen as rebellious yet they showed that they could do the same or even better than

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