the narrative, as the young man realizes that no one will ever seek out for him. In the midst of his revelation he than cries out for his parents, only to met with silence. The depths of that silence are what speaks to me, as it becomes a moment as a reader to empathetic to the many other "Losers" in this world. Bender created a story that leaves you wanting to seek out the other orphan kids who may be dealing with what the young unknown man was, in hopes that they too may never feel like their missing. I truly believe that what made this story stand out to me, was simply the innocent of the character and the cruelty of his community to use him. It says much about our human condition.
the narrative, as the young man realizes that no one will ever seek out for him. In the midst of his revelation he than cries out for his parents, only to met with silence. The depths of that silence are what speaks to me, as it becomes a moment as a reader to empathetic to the many other "Losers" in this world. Bender created a story that leaves you wanting to seek out the other orphan kids who may be dealing with what the young unknown man was, in hopes that they too may never feel like their missing. I truly believe that what made this story stand out to me, was simply the innocent of the character and the cruelty of his community to use him. It says much about our human condition.