
Summary Of Marcus Caesar

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Summary Of Marcus Caesar
Tragedy of the Century

Tragedy has com to our once peaceful nation. Our mighty leader Caesar was mercilessly assassinated yesterday on Ides of March 44 BC. by a group of rouge senators including Caesars trusted friend Marcus Brutus. These murderers have escaped and Rome has lost one of her best and most compassionate leaders. But what was the reason of this sudden assassination. The most obvious is uneasiness.

For some time there has been tension between our great leader, Caesar, and the senate. These self-seeking inconsiderate murderers have been opposed to him since it seemed to them that he was becoming far too popular among the people. They bring up times that the people praised him and say that only a tyrant is allowed to be showed
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The first was to kill him along his favorite walkway. Another was to push him from a bridge. The third was to kill him at the gladiator show, where weapons would not seem suspicious. The last and the one chosen was to kill him inside the senate. But even with their attempts at secrecy, word of their plans reached some of Caesars friends. His wife was having visions in her dreams that terrified her. She and his friends tried to persuade him not to go to the senate that day. But just when they had almost persuaded him, Marcus Brutus used his fair speech to convince him that their warnings were nothing and that he shouldn't insult the senate by not showing …show more content…
These hypocrites tried to rally the people behind them so they could be placed into power. As both a good and a bad thing the people stayed locked inside their homes. The good is that nobody was duped into following them. The bad is when they realized the people were against them they fled and have escaped punishment. But you can be sure that a thorough watch will be kept up and that they shall never ascend to power. In fact it seems as though Caesar had adopted and appointed as heir his grand-nephew Octavian. Hopefully he will be a satisfactory leader to clean up this mess caused by the

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