He thought about the truth of the story. When someone gives up all they possess to be there for someone, they are giving away everything. For the period of time where his children were there with him, they filled his stranded mind with a feeling of love and belonging. He gave up all the people he had in life, to be there for his five children. It’s as if before he had everything, but nothing was really there. He had friends, he had co workers, but he the holes inside him were never filled. And now they are empty again. Now the sand pulled away from his toes again. Would his children come back like the sand? Or would they be pulled away from him forever?(Rhetorical Question) The holes that his children had filled had come back, however the loss was larger. He had been in a life full of happiness, never an empty day. He had been pulled away from a desolate life the moment his first child was born. Now that everyone has left, he noticed all that was missing. Before he only knew of what he did not have, he never felt what he did not …show more content…
They walked along the beach with a type of hop in their step. She stepped over the crashing water, he left marks in the visible sand. His footprints washed away as the sand was pulled back and he looked out at the water. He looked at his daughter. She would be leaving in just three short weeks, and he had no other person to fill in the loneliness of his life. She would be going onto college and living far from her father, missing her old life and missing him. Alone, her father would be, once again. It was as if it was a cycle back to his life before kids, but his view was completely altered. Looking out on the ocean, he realized all he had, has left, and all that was left, was the loss of what he had. But was this ever what he had? Or was this all what he dreamed of having? What he had was his dream to escape the abandonment. Some dream of being less alone, he dreamed of having his life filled with those who he wished he