The article goes in depth of how young children play culturally and cross-racially, having a complicated understanding of race. …show more content…
The article says that “Since all four of these dimensions develop during social interactions in school with peers and adults, it is important for educators to recognize that that racism and other forms of oppression are always operating in every social setting.” Afterwards the article gave an example where second graders were evaluated. That example revealed that the children aren’t blind to color, but they are more than aware of race. Then the article explained how engaging in self-reflection as a teacher is very encouraged. The article also gave guidance on how to talk to a child about racial issues. In conclusion, the article put an emphasis on how it is only ethical to discuss racial issues with children, and not be color blind toward that serious issue. When considering ethics the NAEYC’s code of conduct states, “Above all, we shall not harm children. We shall not participate in practices that are disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, intimidating, emotionally damaging, or physically harmful to children.” Not teaching racial issues to children in early childhood is unethical, and will break the code of conduct of early childhood