The primary purpose of “My Emerging Model of Spiritual Formation” is to present and explore the focus of Spiritual formation in the Christianity aspect relates to humanity itself as an entity. This emerging process into human growth spiritually has many traditional and denominational appearance thru church history. Through the evolution of humanity as explained by post-modernism, human beings have veered off the course of spiritual formation since they tend to believe in other possibilities rather than what God through the Bible advise them. Spiritual formation is a growth process over a period of a lifetime. As Christian one should aspire to transform into maturity improvement in everyday life. Whereas, …show more content…
This is a perfect representation of the Christian society where Christians live in harmony in an achievement of spiritual formation. Pettit discussion brings into the important Christians should learn to appreciate what life offers especially in the physical world which presents opportunities and challenges (p. 18). Such as Jesus lived his life as both God and human being, He endured the challenges and temptations of living the human life and at the same time taught his followers and the rest of the world how to grow spiritually acting as their guide. As illustrate, Pettit describe worship important and connection to the triune God spiritual formation practice available to …show more content…
Focusing on the ‘contagious effect’ where we as human beings tend to have an influence on each other through the many ways that are connected in the society. Through the society’s framework, the human influence spreads like a social contagion (Lowe & Lowe, n.d.). Correspondingly, based on the connections that Christians have through Christ, the influence on the brethren diffuses through the Christianity ecology in the form of a spiritual contagion. Then in the diversification of the aspect of ‘contagious’ discusses contagious holiness where we get to understand that Jesus through his ministry induced a spiritual contagion (Lowe & Lowe, n.d). Furthermore, through the diverse society comprising of Pharisees, Levites, as well as Sadducees, Jesus’ ministry was contagious influencing conversion to Christianity. By sending his son to sanctify humanity, we can also deduce that God sought to make his holiness contagious in