In My Thirteenth Winter, Samantha is a 12 year old who’s life is controlled by her contstant panic attacks and her continues struggles in academics. Every day she wakes up terrified about what she’ll be expected to do in class, and never being able to sleep a night without an episode. She tries to understand what she’s learning but she just can’t. Samantha’s parents put her in therapy but it doesn't help. She has no idea why this is happening until she gets diagnosed with a learning
In My Thirteenth Winter, Samantha is a 12 year old who’s life is controlled by her contstant panic attacks and her continues struggles in academics. Every day she wakes up terrified about what she’ll be expected to do in class, and never being able to sleep a night without an episode. She tries to understand what she’s learning but she just can’t. Samantha’s parents put her in therapy but it doesn't help. She has no idea why this is happening until she gets diagnosed with a learning