WRTG 391 Advanced Research Writing
Critique Essay
20 October 2013
Now a day’s technology is such a common part of our lives no one really stops to question what it’s taking away from society, if anything. But in 1992 Neil Postman, an author of over 200 magazines and newspaper articles, wrote the book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology to explain the many ways technology was taking over. In his book Technopoly, Postman makes an effort to paint a picture of “when, how, and why technology became a particularly dangerous enemy” (Postman xii). In his introduction, he gives a brief history lesson of Thamus and god Theuth who was the inventor of many things (Postman p. 3) to allow the reader to think carefully of how technology has affected society. He continues to share many anecdotal examples of how technology has taken over common human interaction, but gives no solid …show more content…
Postman then states, “Those who are most comfortable in Technopoly are those who are convinced that technical progress is humanity’s supreme achievement…” (p.71) clearly pointing out it’s only some who are comfortable in a Technopoly, not all. With this and his first statement, he contradicts himself and lets us know it’s not all of society but a few that view technology with such high regard. There are many people out there in society that refuse to have cell phones or use a computers simply because it’s not something they believe is necessary for them. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any articles to support my case, and at the current moment, I sound like Neil Postman but on the other side of the fence. Although technology has overrun our homes, schools and workplace, it hasn’t taken over completely to where we seek it’s approval, worship it, or can’t live without it. Too many times there are people that actually want to get away from their technological devices because they’re so connected to