I can relate to this like when we go to Colorado there are store clerks that follow black people to make Shure they are not going to steal anything. Even though most black people are foolish doesn’t mean all black people are that way. I think just because someone is a different color or looks like a criminal doesn’t mean that they are; or even if they were they want or they have changed, and we should give them a second chance. In this story it gives examples like when he is going back late at night to return a deadline story he was mistaken as a burglar. Why would they mistake him as a burglar the only reason, why is because he is black and people think that black people are out to steal and hurt people. I thought that Saudis In Bikinis was a well written news report. I think that Saudi women should be able to choose whether they must where insane things like full body curtains. But that is their way of life, we should not be able to mess with their core beliefs especially just because they are not moving as fast as we would like. I learned that sometimes people are fine doing what they do even if it is not ok with
I can relate to this like when we go to Colorado there are store clerks that follow black people to make Shure they are not going to steal anything. Even though most black people are foolish doesn’t mean all black people are that way. I think just because someone is a different color or looks like a criminal doesn’t mean that they are; or even if they were they want or they have changed, and we should give them a second chance. In this story it gives examples like when he is going back late at night to return a deadline story he was mistaken as a burglar. Why would they mistake him as a burglar the only reason, why is because he is black and people think that black people are out to steal and hurt people. I thought that Saudis In Bikinis was a well written news report. I think that Saudi women should be able to choose whether they must where insane things like full body curtains. But that is their way of life, we should not be able to mess with their core beliefs especially just because they are not moving as fast as we would like. I learned that sometimes people are fine doing what they do even if it is not ok with