United States faces the risk that the percentage of obesity among children will increase. The percentage of children and adolescents who suffer from this epidemic is 17% (CDC). One generation ago, the rate was three times less than now. The number of obese children is continuously growing, which may cause a danger to children and the future of the country. The risk of obesity does not only mean the risk of diseases and health problems, but also the risks associated with psychological and social impact. There is no doubt that one of the biggest causes of obesity is the unhealthy dietary choices that many children make nowadays (IOM). The larger the increase in the percentage of obese children and thereby the increase in the risks surrounding them, the greater the need to confront this problem. Companies, institutions, parents, and individuals should play a role in fighting obesity, but the role of government is most important. The government can enact laws regulating the process of junk food advertisement aimed at children that contribute to the problem significantly. Although some jurists and businessmen oppose such regulation by government, there is some evidence that regulating junk foods advertisement aimed at children yield positive results.…
Some people disagree that fast food is the cause of obesity and believe the real cause is the parents or blaming others for obesity. Yes, fast food is not the only cause of obesity, however, fast food restaurants are the leading cause of the obesity problem. There are numerous fast food restaurants that offer a variety of foods (e.g., burger, tacos, pizza). These fast food restaurants might have other foods to pick from; however, these foods are made of the same fattening ingredients, which is still obviously unhealthy. Most fast food ingredients contain fattening ingredients: saturated fat, carbohydrates, and more sugar than natural foods that are considered healthy. Because of these less healthy ingredients and the levels of fat and sugar…
Obesity attracts many other diseases to the human body. In the United State, there are many children including an adult who has become obese. As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “17 percent of girls’ age12 to 19 years are now suffering from childhood obesity.” The level of obesity is still rising. According to an analysis by the World Health Organization, “In the USA, the male rates of being overweight or obese is higher than those of any other major country.” Most children are being exposed to junk food all their lives. They consume on junk food everywhere they go such as at home, at school, or at the restaurant. For example, many parents are so busy working, and they do not have the time to prepare healthy food for their children; therefore, the parents purchase junk food in grand quantity from the store, so their children can easily make something to eat while they are work. Because these children were exposed to junk food when they were kids, they do the same thing when they have their own family. That is one of the reasons why the level of obesity has increased. Many people are not being instructed about the effects of junk food. Most of them know that is okay to eat junk food. People need to avoid eating junk food because it can have a negative impact on the body. For example, obesity increase blood pressure level, and this hypertension leads to stroke. There is a great difference between people who set…
Obesity is a leading health complication resulting from long term consumption of fast food. Our bodies need several essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, and vitamins to thrive. Fast food meal options contain detrimental ingredients that are harmful to your health. When you take a closer look you will find that most fast food options greatly exceed the recommended levels of fat and sugar intake. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past thirty years. It seems as the rate of obesity increase, so does the number of fast food restaurants. With the increase of weight a person has a greater possibility of placing other health issues on their…
Childhood obesity is a huge health problem in United States that affects about 12.5 million children and teens in this country alone. Since 1960 scientist have been monitoring obesity problem in United States and between 1980’s and 1990’s they have seen a drastic increase in childhood obesity from about 5% to sky high 15% which is a concerning number for young people. There are many different reasons why young people develop obesity in this country. The major reason why children become overweight is a bad food diet, eating fast food and not exercising enough throughout the day. Today’s lifestyle and technology allows people to buy food quickly at local fast food places, it is quick, convenient and cheap. Most people do not have time to come home after all day at work and cook a fresh and healthy dinner for the family. It is easier to stop at “Kentucky Fried Chicken” for example and buy dinner for entire family for under $25 which is almost impossible to do at home. Access for children to fast food places is easier than ever before, and most beverages that young people drink contain High Fructose Corn Syrup that replaced sugar in the 1970’s but causes young people to gain weight as fast as sugar does. Biggest problem in childhood obesity is definitely the food choices that we make for us and our children but also we cannot forget about the lack of exercise, most people do not get enough exercise so they stay healthy and become over weight. Also school nutrition’s should be friendlier to healthy diets and fruits instead of vending machines. Childhood obesity is a growing problem in America and it seems that it is not going away but in fact it might get bigger in near future if we do not do anything about it. With better food choices, more exercise and help from the government we can overcome this growing epidemic in USA.…
According to the book “Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence”, childhood obesity is a strong indicator of adulthood obesity (pg.50). If this continues to be a problem that corrupts our countries youth, then they will continue to carry these issues with them through adulthood, which is something we are already seeing. The people of our society and the nation’s performance when it comes to competing with other countries in the growing competition in the economy will ultimately pay the consequences.…
One reason of obesity in North American society is fast food. There are many fast food restaurants in North America. Besides, it is cheaper and faster than other restaurants, and it can be found very easily. For example, if people do not have enough time to cook or they are in a hurry, buying fast food is their best option. Also, fast foods contain high calories, and are packed with high amount of sugars, carbohydrates and oil. For instance, one Big Mac carries 540 calories which an individual need to run for one hour to burn off. In addition, Big Mac is usually served with fries and a large drink which contains high calories.…
It has been said that obesity in American has become an epidemic. What has caused this huge health issue in this great country? Many people believe fast food is to blame for America being obese. Is it really that simple? What could be some other possible reasons for our country being so obese compared to other countries? In this paper I hope to discuss these issues and show that fast food is solely to blame for this epidemic as well to inform the readers about what they are consuming and giving to their children to consume and in turn help people make lifestyle changes to live healthier.…
Fast food and obesity go hand in hand, in fact, it is the leading reason for obesity…
Over the years fast food has become a major contributor to obesity in America. The United States has become one of the most obese nations in the world due to the fact that fast food contains many fattening ingredients and that fast food is so easily obtainable. About one out of four people eat fast food every day, and there are about fifty million people who eat at a McDonald’s restaurant each day (Obesity Facts). Three reasons that fast food is contributing to obesity are fast food is higher in calories, it contains, more unhealthy fats, and it is higher in sodium.…
Nowadays, teens are getting so overweight that they are becoming obese at a point where theses two articles examine if it is the fast-food issue or else. Results may seem that the parents of these kids play a major role in this situation. After reading the two articles, “Eating problems in young children” and “Preventing childhood obesity: what are we doing right? ”, it exists several similarities between both of them, and also their approach on what they can do to prevent our children. One of the similarities between them is the fact that they talk about how to do change on the people weight toward obesity. They want to take a step forward about it and give other people awareness about obesity. They explained how being obese is dangerous and it causes serious diseases like heart disease, diabetes and also cancer. Second of all both of them aimed at the children’s parent and also the schools. Lastly, they both want to decrease the children’s weight in order to not get infected by obesity.…
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, approximately one-third of Americans are obese. There are several culprits to this alarming increase such as lack of exercise, failure to research nutrition information, and modality of convenience. Author of the book, “Fast Food Nation”, Eric Schlosser states the expenditure on fast food annually by Americans, has increased from six billion to 110 billion dollars in the span of approximately three decades. Schlosser correlates the increase of consumption to increase of Americans becoming obese. As mentioned earlier, fast food availability is only one aspect of the poor health epidemic. There are not enough valid grounds to prove the increase of obesity and diseases such as diabetes. The employees of the tobacco industry are not slipping cigarettes into the pockets of civilians forcibly. Similarly, these fast food corporations despite their sophisticated marketing are not completely directing individuals to consume their foods. Individuals have the freedom of choice and should be aware that their choices may lead to…
More people in the USA are involved in discussion and even doing many researches about the food and the food products. There are lots of discussion how the food industry influences to our health and generally our everyday life. Many people blame the government, some others are talking that the main role comes from food industry, while some people still think that every individual is responsible for their own menu as well as their health. It is really not important who says what; the issue itself is one of the main problems in the USA and indeed some of the food products could seriously influence human health. Among many writers David Zinczenko has his own idea how to avoid unhealthy food and how to solve these common problems. Even though Zinczenko assume that food companies should have more responsibility in making healthier food options, he also provides a convincing argument due to his use of personal experience and his well-researched examples of the problem that food can bring in today’s society. He talks about his childhood and the weight problem he had because of the fast food when he was 15 years old. He also talks about the Type 2 diabetes in children that obesity is blamed for. There are many different views how to avoid unhealthy food and prevent many diseases such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease that fast food industry brought along the way and became the nation’s general health problem.…
Then, we reviewed some basics about the rapid increase of child obesity and the changes of lifestyle. We read how within the past couple of years childhood obesity has been increasing and eating habits have become worse. It was read that the recent lifestyle of children has rapidly changed also. It was said that children are not as physically active before due to television, internet, and video games.…
In this paper the researcher will address childhood obesity. People around the world may think childhood obesity can harm their children or help their kids, but in reality it works both ways. Healthy foods plays a big part in childhood obesity which when you see a child that is overweight you may think they are unhealthy but could just be genetics. This childhood obesity has become a worldwide epidemic base on unhealthy high caloric diet and the lack of parental regulations and a lack of knowledge. The unhealthy role of childhood obesity can cause younger kids to get pick on, low self-esteem or even suicide.…