that girl had been taken into custody. From a very young age you see Sheila has been a very disturbed violent child. Sheila is sent to Torey who is a teacher who works as what they call the last stop the last stop or last chance before the children would get sent to an institution because no one could handle them.
Shelia is not violent for no apparent reason behind every violent child there are reasons he or she is like that. Rather it be a mental disorder as autism or a problem like past abuse or neglect. In Sheila's case her mother abandoned her at the age of two leaving her with her father who had been in and out of jail her whole life for aggravated battery and assault charges. On top of that he had also been in and out of the hospital for alcoholism and drug dependence leading to Shelia having to be shifted around between friends and family. In this time Sheila had been abused also.Shelia had been diagnosed with chronic maladjustment which explains why she is having a hard time adjusting to new sceonary.
Torey is a great teacher and very kind to Sheila she tries to make her feel at home and helps Sheila however she can, not only in school but out of school too. Torey helps Sheila with her hygiene also she gets her a toothbrush and toothpaste and lets her wash up before class begins because Shelia has no running water at her house only a bucket of water that her dad brings home from the bar for drinking and would be very mad if she made it dirty. Torey lets sheila grow onto her so she can trust her. Sheila tells Torey a lot. Tells Torey about her abuse and neglect and one day Sheila comes to school well shes acting strangely so Torey asks if she's ok and she says yes well torey notices blood running down Sheila's leg. She takes her to the restroom and tells her it’s ok but she needs to know what's going on. Shelia tells her, her uncle tried rapeing her and that it wouldnt fit inside her so he cut the inside of her and said no one would ever love her if she didn't learn to love. Torey takes her to the hospital where she is properly cared for.
Don’t let it fool you torey is a wonderful teacher and has very good strategies.
She’s very good at keeping her cool when stuff gets obnoxious in her room however there are some things she didn't do correctly. In the beginning of the book when she first gets Sheila in her class she expected too much out of Sheila. She expected Sheila to act like all the other children and to behave like them. When she had no clue what it would be like in t=the classroom.
The Second thing Torey did wrong is not creating a specific behavior plan. Torey kind of plays it by ear if shelia doesn't do something right several times she got different punishments. When she did good things she wasn’t rewarded. This leads Sheila to not know when she has done wrong and when she has done right. In the book Torey never explains what is expected and if she did it was after Shelia had done something wrong. She should have explained in detail what was expected out of her in the classroom. When Torey returns from her two day absence and fins the Shelia had misbehaived during that time shes angry and right away took Shelias privalege of going on the feild trip. Shelia makes no connection of the two whats so
However Torey soon realizes it wasn't right to act upon her anger and frustration and apologizes and restores Sheila's privilege. Giving Sheila comfort that she can trust Torey. Now lets go over Sheila's physiological development.Erik Eriksons theory the first stage she hits is trust vs mistrust. This is the stage where a baby learns to or to not trust the world. If this step is not rightfully fulfilled it can cause self esteem issues and guilt. This we in shelia all throughout the book it takes Sheila quite a long time to learn to trust torey. This is shown over and over when Sheila asks Torey if she’ll beat her. This is shown again when Torey leaves on her 2 day absence and Sheila thanks Torey is abandoning her.
This second stage is autonomy vs shame and doubt, this is the stage where the child develops physical control over themselves. If the first stage is not completed or is messed up in someway it can lead to trouble in this one dealing with physical control. This is seen in Sheila when she wets the bed.
The third stage is Initiative versus guilt this takes place during preschool years they have a widend world and they face new challenges like cleaning up after themselves. If the child is ilresponsible feeligns of guilt may arise. We see this when Torey shows Sheila new things, when Sheila can’t figure things out she gets upset.
The last stage of physiological development is industry vs inferiority. This is the stage when children learn and complete new tasks. This is the one stage seen mainly throughout the book. Sheila was very self conscious about her work and had a habit of tearing up her work if she found it not good enough or thought it would disappoint Torey.
The next set of developments is Piaget's Theory, the first stage realted to Sheila and her development is the preoperational stage this takes place within the first two through 7 years of your life. This is when the child starts to represent the world with images and words which goes beyond the connection of sensory information and physical action. This is shown as sheila is learning to talk because once she began to talk you couldnt make out what she was saying.
The second stage of piagets theory that is related to sheila is the concrete stage. This is between seventh and eleventh years of your iife. This is when a chilf begins to logically think and concentrate events and objects into different sizes. We see this in Sheila as she starts to learn to concentrate better and know that not all people are bad and people do care about her. Howevert she may be questioning her self as why did my mom leave me was I bad? Why did my father drink all the time? Why was I beaten? This may cause sheila trouble later if she cannot find these answers.
So the next set of theories to talk about is Vygotsky’s sociocultral congitive Theory.