Joseph Ratzinger’s homily, Sin and Salvation shows how original sin continues to affect humans today. Ratzinger begins his homily by recounting the story of original sin from Genesis 3:1-13. Adam and Eve are driven from the Garden of Eden because they have disobeyed God’s rules. He then tells how sin is not taken seriously in modern times. People suppress the truth about sin, despite it being a prevalent issue in our world today. Ratzinger then goes back to the Garden of Eden, and reveals the impact of original sin. He describes two different worlds, one with original sin, and one without. The world without original sin exhibits the world God wanted for humanity. The world with original sins shows what humans have made the world into. In the world without original sin, humanity is connected to God, and appreciates the gift of his kingdom by building it up. In the world with original sin, we are tempted, abandon God, and want to have control. Ratzinger then delves deeper into our world, the world with original sin. He shows how humans continue attempt to transcend our limitation, using the examples of art and technology. Ratzinger goes on to give a refined definition of sin, and its affect on people individually and within relationships. …show more content…
This made me remember the Reason Series videos. In the videos, Tyler the atheist describes his viewpoint on how religion, or God, controls people’s lives. Some people use the same excuses to ignore sin as they do to not believe in God. As Ratzinger said in his homily, “People today know of no standard; to be sure, they do not want to know of any because they see standards as a threat to their freedom” (Ratzinger, 62). This shows that people believe that both God and sin are standards, and because people believe this, God and sin are seen as a hazard to people’s