The Pre-K morning begins when they get off the bus and arrive at the school, they unpack their bags and come into the classroom with their lunch boxes and nightly folder. Their folders get passed into the teacher and they return to their seat to have their snack while they wait for the rest of the classmates to come into class. Once the bell rings and the pledge has been said they have their morning …show more content…
I happened to be there on groundhog, I forgot how excited I used to be on ground hog day, their was a class discussion over the groundhog. Their craft was to make a ground hog with their feet. The teacher and I painted their feet and brown to be the groundhog and helped them “paint” it to paper and wash their foot off. The children loved this craft. Craft time was then cleaned up and they got ready for lunch. I found this is a very busy classroom and by the time their morning and lunch is over with they are actually ready for their 30 minuet nap