It has become an expectation from the community to go to a university and come out with more job opportunities guaranteed. In “Prelude: The Barbershop” by Vershawn Ashanti Young, he writes about his own race’s expectations and cultural differences when someone does not follow the “norms” of their race. He writes, “I am troubled because the black men who suffer most from the educational and judicial systems are poor, from the underclass, from the ghetto, like me” (2). Young’s life experience consisted of his educational background which gave him a disadvantage within his own race. The norms considered in his neighborhood and race was for men and women to earn money as soon as possible, higher education is not included. Since he persisted in higher education and works as part of the education system, he is often the outcast and is not treated with the same respect as those who follow the norms. This situation is similar to the Asian community. In the perceptive that higher education is the norm for the Asian communities. Additionally, not every college and university is considered the same. Each university has their effects on people. In the Asian society, a University of California Campuses will be viewed as more ‘superior’ in comparison to a Cal State or a community
It has become an expectation from the community to go to a university and come out with more job opportunities guaranteed. In “Prelude: The Barbershop” by Vershawn Ashanti Young, he writes about his own race’s expectations and cultural differences when someone does not follow the “norms” of their race. He writes, “I am troubled because the black men who suffer most from the educational and judicial systems are poor, from the underclass, from the ghetto, like me” (2). Young’s life experience consisted of his educational background which gave him a disadvantage within his own race. The norms considered in his neighborhood and race was for men and women to earn money as soon as possible, higher education is not included. Since he persisted in higher education and works as part of the education system, he is often the outcast and is not treated with the same respect as those who follow the norms. This situation is similar to the Asian community. In the perceptive that higher education is the norm for the Asian communities. Additionally, not every college and university is considered the same. Each university has their effects on people. In the Asian society, a University of California Campuses will be viewed as more ‘superior’ in comparison to a Cal State or a community