At the end of the story Geryon does find himself and develops throughout the story with the help of several factors. In the “Autobiography of Red,” written by Anne Carson, Geryon grows to be the man he is today through his experiences with his older brother, his trips to Buenos Aires, and his time spent with Herakles.
Geryon’s brother is the perfect example on how you should not treat your brother. He constantly bullies, sexual abuses, and picks on Geryon. “Suddenly Geryon’s brother stepped behind Geryon and seized him by the neck” and said “In way they use this for knocking out all sentries. With one surprise twist I can break your neck” (Carson 31). By looking at this you can see that Geryon’s older brother is indeed a violent bully and inflicts pain to his younger brother. His older brother also sexually abused Geryon in the story by bribing …show more content…
He found himself! Geryon attends a university in Buenos Aires and takes up Philosophy classes. From his Philosophy Professor he learns about distances, how far he has came and how much more he has to go to reach where he wants to go. “I have laboured up to the top of this hill, here I am it has taken about half my life to get here and on the other side the hill slopes down” (Carson 95). This explains to Geryon that the past is past and he has done so much to get where he is. Geryon is also closer to finding himself. Geryon also has a sudden reconnection with his ex-lover Herakles who now has a new lover named Ankash. When Geryon has a one on one conversation with Ankash he just does not get punched face but he learns that he should spread his wings and escape captivity. That he should not be afraid to show his true self. Ankash finally teaches Geryon that he should be free and enjoy doing what he loves doing. “Ancash ran his fingers slowly down the red struts that articulated each wing base” (Carson 128). Geryon finally showed someone his wings and he gets a reaction he will never forget. Geryon then allows himself to finally let go and develops to the man he wants to be. His trip to Buenos Aires help solve the problem Geryon was having and he finally embraces and finds