First and foremost, I would like to point out that the Registration of Marriage Ordinance 1952 has only 18 sections in total and the registration of marriage in this ordinance was carried out manually.
Most of the procedure involved one Registrar-General of marriages or one Registrars of Marriages that is being introduced thoroughly in section 2 while section 3 mention about the recording of proceedings with their own hands in a book called Registrar’s Note-Book. Section 4 and 5 are about the registration of marriages solemnised or contracted within or outside of Federation respectively. The process of registration is simpler as both parties can satisfy the registrar by showing evidence adequately to prove that their marriages did take place. Section 6 to 8 must have nothing in contrary with sections 4 and 5. Section 6 detailed the registration of marriage by one spouse, and section 7 stated that certified copies of entry signed by Registrar will be delivered to spouses and Registrar- General of Marriages within the period prescribed while section 8 clarified that parties and witnesses are bound to speak the truth otherwise they will be punished under chapter XI of Penal Code.
Section 9 of this ordinance focuses mostly on the powers of the registrar while section 10 is about the application of powers of the registrar to refuse or to postpone the registration. The following section 11 and 13 is important as it points out the validity of a marriage is not affected by registration or non-registration and the amendment of registers in this ordinance respectively. Offences and penalties too are pointed out in section 14 while the rules for the purposes of this ordinance are in section 17.
Section 15 stated that the marriage solemnised or contracted in the Federation must registered within 3 months upon the date it was solemnised or contracted. Lastly, the final section of this ordinance provided that the