In Return to Homs and from Treeless Mountain, the cinematography and the editing show the confidence, solidarity, love and harmony between characters and other people in different scenes.
For my essay, two scenes attracted my attention where Abdul Basset is leading songs and dances (In Return to Homs) and where Bin ( Song Hee Kim) and her sister Jin (Hee Yeon Kim) are sitting near the fire with their Grandma (Boon Tak Park) (in Treeless Mountain). I select these two scenes because they demonstrate a trusting and harmonic relationship between Abdul Basset and the crowd, also between Bin, her sister and their Grandma. Even if they are in different contexts, the cinematography and the editing allow spectators to see similarities between these two scenes and to feel the characters' friendship.
In Return to Homs, from 06:00 minutes to 06:30 minutes, there are different important shots which show a trusting relationship between Abdul Basset and the people around him. The scene starts with a long shot, where we can see Abdul Basset walking among the mass and the sound of mass’ acclamation to show their support and the camera follows his motion while he is walking. The long shot reveals to the spectators the influence which has Basset to the mass. Also, that shot reveals the great …show more content…
After Bin and Jin have leaved a tumultuous relationship (in the previous scenes) with their Big Aunt (Kim Mi Hyang) and after assisting to the discussion which had their Big Aunty and their Grandpa (Lee Byung Yong), viewers expect to see Bin and Jin having a bad relationship with their Grandma. However, the image and the sound in this scene reveals the