Summary Of Richard Notkin All Nations Have Their Moment Of Foolishness
Richard Notkin’s ceramic piece All Nations Have Their Moment of Foolishness created in 2006 addresses the topic of the unjustified killing of the innocent. In this piece He has many unique and subtle designs that contribute to the overall piece of art. One of these factors is a very large picture of George W. Buch blankly and emotionlessly at the camera. Another thing in this piece that helps me come to my come to my conclusion are the feet of jesus on one of the tiles. An additional thing that helps me come to my conclusion are the pictures of Guernica. Guernica was a spanish town that was bombed for no reason by the germans before World War Two. One more thing that i noticed in this piece was the picture of the Abu Ghraib prisoner getting
electrocuted by the americans who were running the prison. Finally this piece stats that Bush was America’s moment of foolishness.