LaChrystal D. Ricke article “Funny or Harmful?: Derogatory Speech on Fox’s Family Guy” was essentially a written scientific experiment. Kaplin states that derogatory speech ‘‘convey[s] a grossly negative assess- ment of particular persons or groups based on their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability’’ (Ricke 129). The article is strong in providing the background information on the television show and why the article was written. The article is written to understand if there is a correlation between children being exposed to derogatory language at a young age has any influence on those children as they mature. The article hypothesized that a high percentage of scenes from family guy would have derogatory language and used statistical evidence to understand exactly how much of family guy is in fact derogatory. The best part of the article was the research and analysis of 7 complete seasons of Family Guy. The statistical approach ensured that no unnecessary bias was involved in this article. The article uses tables and percentages to conclude that Family Guy has derogatory language of any type in 36% of all scenes. The main objective of the article was to inform the reader of the potential hazards of Family
LaChrystal D. Ricke article “Funny or Harmful?: Derogatory Speech on Fox’s Family Guy” was essentially a written scientific experiment. Kaplin states that derogatory speech ‘‘convey[s] a grossly negative assess- ment of particular persons or groups based on their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability’’ (Ricke 129). The article is strong in providing the background information on the television show and why the article was written. The article is written to understand if there is a correlation between children being exposed to derogatory language at a young age has any influence on those children as they mature. The article hypothesized that a high percentage of scenes from family guy would have derogatory language and used statistical evidence to understand exactly how much of family guy is in fact derogatory. The best part of the article was the research and analysis of 7 complete seasons of Family Guy. The statistical approach ensured that no unnecessary bias was involved in this article. The article uses tables and percentages to conclude that Family Guy has derogatory language of any type in 36% of all scenes. The main objective of the article was to inform the reader of the potential hazards of Family