In a passage from his essay “The Battle Against Fast Food Begins In the Home,’ Daniel Weintraub, discusses how parents are the one’s to blame for their child’s health, particularly in the obesity epidemic. Weintraub wants parents to take responsibility for the health of their kids. I agree with Weintraub’s passage because neither food corporations nor the government are forcing your child to eat anything. The public likes to blame big food corporations for their bad health decisions.…
In David Zinczenko’s Don’t Blame the Eater, he criticizes the fast food industry's failure to provide nutrition information and the resulting consequences in the American health and legal systems. He argues that we should not blame kids for eating unhealthily but instead look to the fast food industry as the problem. Kids are suing McDonalds because they are overweight and the author has had a similar experience growing up. The problems with kids eating too much has become a national crisis and causing an increase in childhood diabetes. One reason this problem is so serious is that there isn’t any alternative, it’s cheap, and healthy food…
In “Soda’s a Problem but…” Karin Klein distinguishes the government’s issue, “But the mayor’s initiative goes further than something like a soda tax... Bloomberg is playing nanny in the worst sort of way…”(Karin Klein, 289). Simply put, the author explains how the government is overseeing people’s lives and the choices they can make. The government is making decisions by themselves, without the people’s consent! Basically, the limitations on sugary drinks is unacceptable and should be…
David says it can go both ways; the teenagers does have a sense of mind to know to eat healthy foods; but also the fast food industry doesn't put out the risks of there food and nutrional value. Such as tobacco, they have proven risks, and warning labels. Fast food has proven health risks, but no warning label. With these warning labels fast food restaurants could protect themselves and there customers from lawsuits and obesity. David states that if these warning labels aren't put in place, then children are going to continue to be obese and there are going to be a lot of litigious parents. As David states "I say, let the deep-fried chips fall where they may."…
According to his article, “The Battle Against Fast Food Begins In The Home”, the author, columnist and blogger Daniel Weintraub, argues parents, not fast-food companies or the government are responsible for their child's health and well being. Weintraub supports this claim by providing data from the Center For Public Health Advocacy on the subject of overweight schoolchildren, State law recommendations outlining nutritional standards, and his own experience with the problem. Weintraub intends to convince or persuade the parents or parent to accept the blame for their overweight child. From my standpoint, however, it is clear the parents or parent should not be the only ones to blame for the increasing weight problems children were dealing with, and are still currently dealing with today.…
In the essay, “How a National Food Policy Could Save Millions of Lives,” the authors’ main idea is to try to persuade their audience that a food policy would be beneficial in numerous ways. The authors Mark Bittman, Michael Pollan, Ricardo Salvador, and Olivier De Schutter believe that how we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on American’s well-being than any other human activity. They want all Americans to have access to healthful food, and the food supply to be free of toxic bacteria, chemicals, and drugs. I think a food policy is necessary if you want this generation of Americans to live longer and be healthier. Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in children has become more common and has worsened over the years.…
Imagine that you were sitting in a meeting or in different meetings all day and you only have one chance to eat in between meetings? As an adult it might be different for you, but as a teenager we need more food in our bodies as we grow. How are we supposed to pay attention in class if all we can think about food and candy? That’s what I am going to talk to you about in this letter, why pop and candy machines should be allowed in schools. As a growing teenage girl, I believe that snack and pop machines should be allowed in schools.…
I agree with daniel weintraub because he gives good detail on every single one of his arguments and does not back down “ . If parents not the government , not the the fast food companies not the video-game manufactures who are responsible for teaching kids healthy eating and exercising habits . Can they use some help ? Sure but they are the ones who need to step up to the plate , so to speak .’’…
Some people blame the food or drink that one consumes for their health issues. But that is in fact false, If a person chooses to consume sugary or fattening food knowing that it may not be the best choice. It's not the food or drinks that are hurting these people, it's the people's choices thats hurting them. The right to choose is very important, it give us a variety instead of having one item to choose from. But what if that was ll stripped away?…
Many men and women risk their lives every day trying to protect the freedom of every individual in the U.S. The soda ban will create an uneven playing field for thousands of small businesses and limit individual’s right to choose. Although sugary beverages can cause health problems, people should have a right to choose, even if it is unhealthy.…
The government regulation of people's dieting is wrong, they are collectivism. This is not right, everyone is not the same. It absurd to make people stop drinking what they want and what they want to eat. They are trying to become a dystopia state, the government is trying to control everything that a person is doing. Is not their chose to tell people to lose weight. I'm guessing they know what they are doing. Banning sodas and putting how many calories the food has is not really going to change their option. The government is making it seem like everyone need to lose weight. Who do they think they are, by telling and banning candy machines and soda from people. Plus, if you break that rule, they will have to pay $200. They are exaggerating with the power they have.…
Imagine you are sitting in a classroom and you are trying to focus on a really important test that could improve your grade, but there are just too many distractions happening around you? Well, could chewing gum be the answer? Chewing gum can not only help you focus, but improve your memory and other academic abilities as well, prevent tooth decay , and other health benefits at the same time. All these reasons will add up to make sure you can do you best in and out of school.…
Junk Food is a vast contributor to the increasing levels of diabetes, and other chronic conditions and diseases in America. In order to establish a healthy country, Americans must alter eating habits and establish knowledge within our nation’s children. The beverage and food industry spend billions of dollars annually to promote its products to children. Public institutions promote these products to increase revenue for school needed activities. This continuous, unhealthy cycle is in adversely affecting the nation. It’s time to raise the bar and set a higher standard for nutritional value in our nation, starting with in our school organization. Abolishing sugary snacks and inaugurating health eating habits will benefit children’s health,…
Students do not deserve to eat and pay for food that contains large amounts of carbohydrates, sodium, and sugar that does more harm to the body than good. Think about it, ingesting these fast food meals every day that makes you more prone to having acne, bloating, and weight gain. The more serious health conditions that these lunches could also cause are diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, and even depression. Statistics on unhealthy school lunches have been conducted by experts on health. According to Unhealthy School Lunches Statistics, the University of Michigan Health System reported from their study that “children who eat school lunches may have higher bad cholesterol or LDL than kids who bring their lunch along with them.” (University of Michigan Health System). Students who eat school lunches are unintentionally hurting their health by increasing their chances of getting serious and damaging health conditions. This emphasizes the need to replace the foods in school lunches with healthier foods in order to prevent the chances of us getting health conditions. Another piece of statistics recorded for this study states how students who eat lunches at school end up receiving less physical exercises compared to students with packed lunches. In Unhealthy School Lunches Statistics, it states that “Students who ate school lunches were less likely to participate in active sports activities like football and basketball, moderate exercises like walking, and team sports than those students who brought lunch along with them.” This information reveals many unavoidable patterns on students’ lifestyle. Not only do these detrimental lunches affect student’s health, they also affect students’ activeness, making this issue more serious. Shouldn’t we try to fix this issue to allow help improve students’…
There is a dramatic increase in the number of children who are being affected by diabetes and obesity in America. Sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks should be taken out of the vending machines in schools and replaced with healthier choices to help stop this dangerous trend. Some may argue that taking out the options it is taking away a student’s right to choose, however, by taking away the sugary drinks and snacks, healthy habits are encouraged, future diseases are avoided, and a healthier generation is brought…