“Sicko” is a documentary movie telling us about the health care system of the USA, its shortcomings and fates of people suffered from it. From the very first seconds of the action the movie captures you and takes to the country of freedom, to the same people from flesh and blood. These are real and sometimes even unimaginable in the modern world stories of people who have faced the problem of medical care, usually emergency without getting help.
According to the plot of the story, many Americans have no medical insurance and those who are insured often become victims of bureaucracy and paperwork of insurance companies. The movie contains a lot of interviews of people who according to their own opinion have had sufficient reasons for getting necessary medical help, though they received refuse. Former employees of some insurance companies explain their behavior in case of refusal in insurance by the fact that the company they work in strives to avoid additional expenditures. The main idea of such companies is to elude providing necessary medical help to the insured people while increasing the profitability of the insurance companies. …show more content…
He compares health care systems of France, Britain and many other countries. Ironically, health and sometimes even life of people more often depends not only on the doctor’s professionalism, but also on the wealth and ambitions of the insurers. They find it profitable that people refuse from the expensive treatment. Blinded by the prospects of quick and easy money made on the misfortunes and diseases of people, they create entire departments in order to work with the “objections”. “Hunting for life” takes on the outlines of the banal business and simple process of buying and