
Summary Of Society Is Coarser Vs. Better

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Summary Of Society Is Coarser Vs. Better
In the article, “Society is Coarser but Better,” Nick Gillespie believes that the society is harsh by what some celebrities in some TV programs produce. However, he denies that we influence by negative aspects of celebrities. The writer contradicts with what Scalia, who is a Supreme Court associate Justice Antonin, says about TV impact on our children, “I am glad that I’m not raising kids today.” Scalia is really conservative: she argues that people even women emulate what is going on in our TV programs. Besides, Scalia conforms her viewpoint by Pop singer, Annie Lennox, announces in Facebook that what she is saying is not more than” highly styled pornography.” The author reminds us of some TV programs such as Keep up with Kardashian,

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