
Summary Of The Article Better Than Hum Why Robots Will Take Our Job

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Summary Of The Article Better Than Hum Why Robots Will Take Our Job
A typical sight being viewed nowadays is the face of a computer screen rather than the face of a person. This phenomenon will become more common according to Kevin Kelly’s article “Better than Human: Why Robots Will-and Must-Take Our Job.” In this article, he discusses the controversial topic about the increasing automation in the workplace and how robots are beginning to take over the majority of jobs. Kelly explains that this action must occur because it will benefit our society and increase productivity. Throughout the article, Kelly’s use of historical references, credible sources, and effective logic and reasoning lead the reader to a clear understanding of how technology will help workers progress rather than lead to the demise of the …show more content…
The first reference he makes is related to the Ancient Roman times and how they never imagined the jobs we would have today nor the technology humans would have at their fingertips. Furthermore, he references the Industrial Revolution, a time where a multitude of agricultural Americans lost their jobs due to machines and were forced to find work elsewhere. By using these references to other events in history, he demonstrates a pattern of how technology impacts workforce in a positive way, even when we are unaware of what the future holds. Those experiencing the Industrial Revolution likely worried about the future as machines began to replace their jobs. However, the final outcome of the Industrial Revolution turned into an advancement for mankind and people were able to better themselves in the industrial workforce rather than on the farms. Kelly’s article may be frightening in some sections, but he proves that this is part of life and this has happened many times in history and the outcome has not been astronomically bad. The reference to the Industrial Revolution allows Kelly to be able to calm the reader’s worries and prove his point that the race is with machines and not against

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