Teens are not always aware of the consequences to their actions and they take risks. The general argument made by Richard A. Serrano in his work, Young killers serving life without parole may get chance at freedom, is that juveniles who commit heinous crimes are not fully aware of their actions. More specifically, Serrano argues that juveniles are not fully matured and juveniles should not be charged as adults. The author asserts, “Adolescents, because of their immaturity, should not be deemed as culpable as adults…”(Serrano). In this passage, Serrano is suggesting that immaturity leads teens to act inappropriate for their age because they have not yet become adults. Serrano also states, “But they also are not innocent children whose crimes…
In Elizabeth Kolbert’s “The Terrible Teens,” she asserts that teenagers take risks because of their brains. Teenagers are known for making impulsive decisions that may lead to tragic events. Kolbert believes that teenagers make rash decisions because their frontal lobes are immature, their nucleus accumbens are augmented, and their primate ancestors were also rash.…
One can infer that the National Institute of Mental Health, the author of “The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction”, believes that the teen brain is unsteady and perilous. The author includes a paragraph detailing the comparison of how “young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age” (National Institute of Mental Health). In other words, this quote details how the teen brain can be either healthy or in distress; two completely opposite circumstances. Unsteady is defined as being not uniform or regular. Based off of the author’s words, one can infer that the author believes that the teen brain is unsteady as they include various possible…
Rhetorical Precis Paul Thompson in the article, “Startling Finds On Teenage Brains” states that human brain of any young teenager is far from adulthood. Thompson supports his statement by first describing the research they have done on a teenagers and childrens brains. He then explains that Teens have a massive loss of brain tissue and brain cells and connections are being lost in the areas of controlling impulses these frontal lobes inhibit our violent actions (stated in paragraph 7). Thompson’s purpose is to inform the reader that teens brains haven't matured yet so that readers understand that teens don't understand what they're doing. The author writes in a formal for adults.…
In the Article “Startling Finds on Teenage Brains” by Paul Thompson his opinion on kids committing murder is a hard subject to dissect however he claims that their brain tissue loss can not be an excuse for the murder they commit. For example, he stated “what really caught our eye was the massive loss of brain tissue that occurs in the teenage years.” (paragraph 7)This shows the reader that he comes from his personal research to show much of the brain is lost in adolescents. Another good source of ethos he provides is “My group at UCLA and our colleagues at the National Institute of Health have developed technology to track the growth of the brain. ”(paragraph 5)…
In the article ¨The Distracted Teenage Brain¨, the author, Alison Pearce Stevens, makes a claim that teenagers tend to get distracted more easily that adults because their brains are more drawn to the potential rewards of their actions, such as checking their phone. The evidence Stevens gives to support this claim is sufficient as she explains in depth the scientific study conducted to prove her point. Teens are known for making risky decisions and it was formerly blamed on the immaturity of the prefrontal cortex. However, a study at the University of Iowa proved otherwise. Using evidence and a detailed description of the tests and outcomes conducted during this experiment, the author had very good evidence backing up her claims.…
The court also discovered that juveniles under the age of seventeen are more likely to be rehabilitated in comparison to adults which is why juveniles should not be offered the death penalty. It was argued by the courts that most juveniles cannot be fully blamed for their actions due to being so undeveloped. It was also argued that juveniles are more likely not to be deterred from committing a crime by being threatened with the death penalty due to the lack of cognitive skills they have in comparison to…
The majority advances their argument by listing some of the mental differences between adults and juveniles such as: “susceptibility to immature behavior”, lack of control over their environment and the peers that come with it, the ability to undergo a character change. These factors were enough for the Court to find the age group a suspect class and hold that they have diminished culpability, at least to an extent that the death penalty becomes an excessive…
The Article is based on facts and applied research. Im not a scientist so I cant agree or disagree. However I do find it baffling that there is so much study of the brain that goes unseen. Its unbelieved to think how many hours, days, months researchers put in time to find or come up with different ways to uncover the brain. I think I…
The article “Inside the Teen Brain” by Marty Wolner, states that research done on the teen brain has helped parents and teens know more about themselves. Teens have more active, expandable brain. One part of the brain in the front is still processing. Some teens can’t fully process information so therefore they often make bad decisions and take longer to process the right thing. Teens don’t control inappropriate or dumb actions. Good communication and proper infomation can ive the teens brain the right idea of common sence. Any kind of communication can affect the teens brain. Parents are a huge part of the process of the teenage brain. First , the teens surrounding, how they are treated, disciplined, and how they are…
The article “Inside the Teen Brain” by Marty Wolner, states that research on the human brain provides shocking evidence that shows why we act in a good or bad behavior. This is because the brain development is more active. The brain is almost physically mature but the thinking part of the brain is still making its connections. The information processed without the benefit of higher level processing may result in some of the bad behaviors. The construction in the brain does not give any excuse for the bad behaviors. Communication and discipline can help since the brain can’t face challenges without the support. With the help of a parent the teen can learn to make responsible decisions throughout their life. Parenting can help the positive development…
The findings on the teenage brain shows how their brain can be a cause of their actions. This gave people an insight on why teenages would commit such crimes. Some argued that due to their actions, they should be tried as any other adult and be sentenced to life in prison. However, they should not be sentenced to life as a teenager due to their brains still being in development as a…
R.A.T.E Pg. 244 1 - Evaluate- In the article “What the Brain Says about Maturity”, the author gives you the main reason to support his claim by backing up his statement with proof and scientific discoveries. The author involves statements in his claim to back up his answer, he involves statements like how sixteen-years-olds are different medical wise but they are still immature criminal wise meaning they can get off the hook easier.…
Equally important, in a study of a regular teenager's brain, it revealed that teenagers are more likely to follow impulsive tendencies instead of fully…
Juveniles makes bad decision but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all bad, majority of them steal or choose a bad path. Everybody makes mistakes but doesn’t mean they all should get a punishment that makes them suffer for the rest of their life. Researches say “among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have…