
Summary Of The Article 'The Answer May Depend' By Linda Carroll

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Summary Of The Article 'The Answer May Depend' By Linda Carroll
Many people in the world today are blaming the vicious acts carried out by members of our society on the culture we surround our self’s in, most notably movies. In the article published by Linda Carroll, the association between movies and violence was discussed. The article, tiled “Do Violent Movies Cause Aggression? The Answer May Depend”, looked at the effect that movies have been having on our society and if it played a key role in the increase of violence. The author visited a health research facility in order to obtain information in order to share more knowledge with the audience. In the article, through rhetoric appeal, Linda Carroll argues that violent movies do not cause violence in society, but each individual’s ability to control emotion that leads to violence. Throughout the article, Carroll uses her experience and outside sources to enforce her credibility and appeal to ethos. Linda has been …show more content…
Throughout the article, she presents many facts and results form experiments to support her claims. She most commonly cites the findings from a recent experiment from the health research facility she visited. The facility tested 54, some of the men were aggressive with a history of violence and some with no violent history at all, healthy men in order to draw a conclusion on movies and violence. While hooked up to brain scanners and blood pressure monitors each man was shown violent movie clips. After reviewing the data Linda presented to the readers that the aggressive men stayed calmer, with their blood pressure dropping and brain activity stayed quiet in contrast to the passive men who got emotional. Researchers believe this happens because the passive men see this as something that is wrong while aggressive men see this as normal behavior. This helps back up her claim, with stats, that it is not movies that cause violence but the atmosphere and environment each person lives

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