Summary Of The Bass The River And Sheila Mant
I am reading “The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant” by W.D. Wetherell. The story is about a young teenage boy who loves to fish at his summer house. And seems to have a bit of a crush on a girl much older than himself. A redhead with the body figure of a model, a girl named Sheila. in this journal I will be questioning and answering on how this short romantic story ends.
G what will he choose?
1Y bass 2-3R big fish 2-3R likes fishing 2-3R automatic 1Y sheila 2-3R likes her 2-3R follows/watches her 2-3R push rod away...
1G in the end, I think he will pick the bass because it's the biggest fish he has ever hooked and it's a one time chance, when he can always go on other dates with Sheila.
I wonder what the narrator will choose