The image of the “perfect woman” equaled to housewife that is looking after her husband and children. The main purpose in their lives was supposed to be to get husband, give birth to many children and live in a nice suburban home. They were thought how to get a husband and how to take care of the household since the age of twelve or thirteen. To be a housewife became the “American dream”. Women got education only until they found a husband, which was at earlier and earlier age. Many of them dropped out of school because they were worried that too much education would hinder their chances of getting married. …show more content…
Media and women's magazines nurtured the image of wife and mother which is content in her everyday tasks to clean and take care of house.
It was supposed to be an ideal image of happiness. However, the women that got married found out after few years, that the role of housewife is not fulfilling them. Friedan called it "the problem that has no name". Women were unhappy and often even depressed. The affected woman first thought that there has to be something wrong with them when they are not feeling satisfied with their life mission as the housewife. They were taught that desire a professional career was unfeminine career women and feminine women did not want things like an education, career or
independence. The unhappy women were often wondering if there is something else in life than the household chores. They struggled with the feeling of dissatisfaction. They had no personality and it seemed to them that if they are what they are doing, they offers no significance and bring no real value to the world. It is difficult to imagine that her as a person is defined only in connection with other person (the husband) or people (the children). There are social norms that practically determine what makes you happy and what is your main objective in your life.
The main problem, however, is not that woman’s highest goal in life cannot be her husband, children and nice suburban home. I see the main issue in the imperative that all women should find their life purpose in her family and not in her career. That they are not supposed to take interest in politics or science or mechanics or practically anything that was not connected to their family life.