Yet, this world is so human, and so anthropogenic of what we define as progress. In their film, Mathieu Roy and Harold Crooks documentary, Surviving Progress, is basically about how the human race strive for progress is killing the world (Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Writers), Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Director). (n.d.). Surviving Progress [Video file].). Our progress since the industrial revolution is all about making bigger and better machines. This can best be seen in cars from the Ford Modle T, to the lamborghini. Roy and Crooks go into their world ‘progress trap’ that by trying to reach this next level of progress (according to human standards), we are assuring imident wants, but risking the future to do so (Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Writers), Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Director). (n.d.). Surviving Progress [Video file].). For myself, I try not to hate technology, because although it has done horrible things to this planet, it will provide us answers for the future. With my older sister, who is currently doing her fourth year for a Bachelor of Computer Science, I can see the work that her and her peers are doing to help contribute to a more sustainable future. From the daytime lectures we had talked about the Green Revolution, which some people see as a negative event, but to me is a positive event with some minor bad outcomes. The need for food driven the change in how we see agriculture, for the better, and where because of this modern agriculture, not everyone have to grow their own food, allowing cities to exist, which is a more suitable way to live. Personally, as a family of farmers, we have benefit from the green revolution, allowing my sister and I to attend university instead of being labour hands on the farm. Yet is this humans playing God? During the discussion after the movie, that was the main point that struck audience members. The audience saying we manipulate everything we touch,
Yet, this world is so human, and so anthropogenic of what we define as progress. In their film, Mathieu Roy and Harold Crooks documentary, Surviving Progress, is basically about how the human race strive for progress is killing the world (Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Writers), Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Director). (n.d.). Surviving Progress [Video file].). Our progress since the industrial revolution is all about making bigger and better machines. This can best be seen in cars from the Ford Modle T, to the lamborghini. Roy and Crooks go into their world ‘progress trap’ that by trying to reach this next level of progress (according to human standards), we are assuring imident wants, but risking the future to do so (Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Writers), Crooks, H., & Roy, M. (Director). (n.d.). Surviving Progress [Video file].). For myself, I try not to hate technology, because although it has done horrible things to this planet, it will provide us answers for the future. With my older sister, who is currently doing her fourth year for a Bachelor of Computer Science, I can see the work that her and her peers are doing to help contribute to a more sustainable future. From the daytime lectures we had talked about the Green Revolution, which some people see as a negative event, but to me is a positive event with some minor bad outcomes. The need for food driven the change in how we see agriculture, for the better, and where because of this modern agriculture, not everyone have to grow their own food, allowing cities to exist, which is a more suitable way to live. Personally, as a family of farmers, we have benefit from the green revolution, allowing my sister and I to attend university instead of being labour hands on the farm. Yet is this humans playing God? During the discussion after the movie, that was the main point that struck audience members. The audience saying we manipulate everything we touch,