Perceived susceptibility and perceived severity is based on the individual’s sense of risk on acquiring childhood obesity and the affect it will have on the individual. Perceived thoughts are often difficult for young children to grasp due to limited perception of the future and how their life would improve without being obese. How a …show more content…
We as a society have allowed the youth of our nation to be afflicted by a preventable disease that is impacting all genders, nationalities and socioeconomic groups. Our youth are not impervious to the effects and are going to grow into adults who continue the behaviors and feel the effects from obesity. We need to empower this generation to make smart food choices, remain physically active and create positive change for their future. This is not a change that is easy or can be done quickly, but must be consistent to meet the needs of the children in our society. It is apparent that childhood obesity is an epidemic that needs attention by our healthcare professionals, family members and local organizations in order to create sustainable change for the future of our