
Summary Of The Last Goodnights By John West

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Summary Of The Last Goodnights By John West
Death is Not a Vaccination
The majority of the population do not know the day nor hour when death will come upon them. Some go in their sleep, some are consumed by disease or illnesses, and some go by tragic happenings. In the excerpt from The Last Goodnights, John West shares the unfortunate story of his parent’s wishes to end their lives with his assistance. West argues that this should not have to be the case for those with a terminal illness and how euthanasia should be legal so that others do not have to suffer the way his parents did. However, with legal assisted suicide, what would the value of human life degrade to? How would it affect the development of cures for illnesses? This procedure terminates all chances for God to provide miracles and the execution of his divine plan for an individual. Death should be natural, the creator's plan not man’s.
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Whether or not it is ethical is one thing, but where it falls under the law of God is the most important. Human bodies are the Lord’s sacred temple, no one shall harm themselves and it is important to keep in mind everyone belongs to him. Life cannot be earned, traded,or bought, it was given freely and gracefully to the children of God. The world’s existence is much more complex than what the human eye can see; every individual has a greater purpose on earth, no one is sent to get caught up in the everyday mundane, but created to serve the Lord. There is a time to live the life one is given, as well as a time to relinquish that soul from this world. People cannot always understand God’s doing which is what makes the suffering of illnesses resentful, but looking at the retrospect we can find the good in every terrible situation and the reason for the storm. God does not give his people more than they can handle, he is still using those with illnesses in a far more greater way than what meets the

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