At the beginning of the story, in the first paragraph, the author gives the reader specific detail about where and when the lottery is being held. She tells us the time and date, which is the morning of June 27th at 10 A.M. and even the weather, being “clear and sunny,” and the temperature being the “warmth of a full-summer day.” Jackson goings on to describe setting of the story, telling the reader there are flowers and green grass, and
At the beginning of the story, in the first paragraph, the author gives the reader specific detail about where and when the lottery is being held. She tells us the time and date, which is the morning of June 27th at 10 A.M. and even the weather, being “clear and sunny,” and the temperature being the “warmth of a full-summer day.” Jackson goings on to describe setting of the story, telling the reader there are flowers and green grass, and