At the beginning, the tone of the story is rather nice, when the kids gather up the piles of rocks and then “guarded it against the raids of the other boys” and it seems as if the kids are playing a game. A few paragraphs later in the story when the parents arrive and they start The Lottery seems like The Lottery is a meeting to discuss some sort of business until they retrieve the box. Then when Mr. Summers says “Alright folks, Let's finish quickly” The Lottery starts to sound a little more ominous like something terrible may happen. Then at the end of the story The Lottery starts to become very depressing and ends suddenly. …show more content…
In the beginning of The Lottery seems like it's just a bunch of kids having fun at a meeting and without the title. The Lottery would seem just like a meeting to proclaim some new rules. Mr. Summers appears to want to finish The Lottery quickly, as does everyone else, but he seems to enjoy it and read out the names of the people happily. Tessie, however, calls out that it was not fair when she says “You didn't give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!” and then they re-draw and Tessie is chosen to be killed so essentially she volunteered to die instead of Bill being stoned to