Another point Fineman makes another good point that divorce is much more accessible as well as financial stability for women. In the past, marriage was more of a chore for women (it still can be), women cook and clean and men bring home the money and make the rules. Not only was marriage similar to a contract inside the home, but outside of the home as well.
In another article we read this semester, The Meanings of Citizenship by Linda K. Kerber, she discussed what citizenship means to women and how it is determined. Citizenship for women was defined by marriage, meaning their husbands controlled almost every aspect of their life. Many women chose to stay in an unhappy marriage as opposed to leaving and running the risk of losing their children and becoming homeless.
Fineman discusses two types of families: a sexual family and a nuclear family. The nuclear family is described as normal and accepted by society. Fineman begins to talk about the topic of change, and she claims that change generates fear. Which is very true. We are so afraid to be open to new norms such as homosexuality and changes within the household. Why are some people so adamant about a traditional