First of all, exploration is worth the risk because it can set foundations for future generations. In the movie, “Hidden Figures,” the NASA Space Program, created a rocket that could keep a human alive in space while they orbited the Earth. This was the first fully-functional rocket. During the process in making the rocket, colored women were being accepted more as they helped (Hidden Figures). This shows that …show more content…
In the article,” Building honors African-American who helped put Glenn in space,” the author said,” The story chronicles the history of the many African-American women who helped America launch ahead in the space race.” (NewsELA staff, ). This implies the fact that African-American women were working in the space program at a time period when colored people were discriminated. In order to get the USA ahead in the Space Race, anyone that could help was needed. In the movie,”Hidden Figures,” Katherine Johnson wasn’t able to attend the briefings when she needed to. Although, she attended anyway even though women weren’t allowed to attend (Hidden Figures). This suggests that Katherine Johnson took the risk by attending the briefing and in the end she showed that women were more capable than working at a desk making calls. This event and many more like it brought gender equality. Although some people may believe that new conflicts can be made with people by their mistakes or failures, it’s argued that when people work together they can get farther. Mistakes will be made and that’s where we