In Philip Jenkins’ article “The Next Christianity” he discusses the significant differences between the Northern and Southern bodies of the Catholic church and of Christianity as a whole. The differences between the two ideologies is made very apparent. For starters, it has a little bit to do with culture and the way Christianity was introduced to the people of the Southern countries.
For example, many of the Southern countries are far more conservative in nature when compared to the liberalness of the North, especially American Christianity. With the increasing power of this religion globally, it will affect political power. It is projected that by at least 2050, the more conservative Southern countries will hold the …show more content…
cripples were made to walk and the dead were brought to life ... evil spirits driven out ... That was what was being done in Jerusalem. We Africans, however, who were being instructed by white people, never did anything like that ... We were taught to read the Bible, but we ourselves never did what the people of the Bible used to do."(p.62).
So essentially, the concept of “primitive Christianity” refers to the times basically straight as they are from the Bible. They believe in a return to the literal text with a heavy focus on the spiritual. For instance, many Southern countries believe in the act of engaging in exorcism and healing powers of God and His teachings.
Furthermore, as discussed by the historian Peter Brown, "The Christian community suddenly came to appeal to men who felt deserted ... Plainly, to be a Christian in 250 brought more protection from one's fellows than to be a civic Romanus."(p.60). It was a much better outcome for someone to be involved in a church than to simply just be a citizen of the country or state. Being a member of the church provides benefits in a world that presents a whole different reality than that of Americans have come accustomed