The production ‘Sweetown’ makes satiric humour of dark truths of Australians not acknowledging the horrific acts committed in Australian history towards the indigenous people of Australia, through the view of the townspeople consumed in a debate to build a monument acknowledging the massacre committed near their town. Being set in the mid-60s, emphasises the problems mentioned within the play through reflecting the current acknowledgment towards the issue and making comparisons to when discussion on the controversial topic had begun. The play switches between the perspectives of various townsfolk affected by the debate and shows the changes for better and worst which result from the debate, capturing the hopes and …show more content…
The set being compacted towards the edges of the stage with a large open area allowed the setting of the play to easily present a small country town, iconic locations within a town on the edges of the stage gave the ever present vision of a small town. The large open area in the centre of the stage was adaptable and used during various scenes, although most notably, the outback scenes presenting a large open space opening the space compared to other scenes and indicating the environment base of the play. The use of footage of sand falling in-between scenes represented that time consistently progressed within the play, with each event leading to the larger events growing in impact on the play. Due the complex stage design spotlighting was used to draw focus to the performers, coloured lighting was also incorporated for ambient effects during scenes. Blocking on the set was made minimal to avoid wandering into separate scene locations although using spotlights and lighting position as well as props such as empty chairs were used to emphasise divide in characters with character interacting closely in aggressive and intermit moments. An example of conflict causing both intimacy and aggressive monuments is during Alan attempting to persuade the character Veronica a member of the historical society whom was involved in pro-acknowledgement campaigning to join him after having turned the town against her, a chair is left empty as a divide between the character while Alan attacks her ideals however once Alan decides a more friendly approach they sit beside each other as Alan attempts to persuade her to side with him. During this scene conversation between the characters was fairly hostile and consider of Alan denouncing Veronica’s ideals as she struggled to fight back against Alan’s judgement, this resulted in Alan looking down on her and placing himself