I have Berry criticizes these beliefs such as the one "The Rapture" because they don't care about the environment and that it is being damaged. They believe that if you are Christian you will be leaving the Earth anyways so there is no need to worry about the environment because eventually you will be gone.They believe in redemption community which Berry strongly disagrees with. Berry believes that we need to help take care of the environment and that we are responsible for the environment. He also says that the "redemption community," is taking too long to respond to the environment. He also mentions
I have Berry criticizes these beliefs such as the one "The Rapture" because they don't care about the environment and that it is being damaged. They believe that if you are Christian you will be leaving the Earth anyways so there is no need to worry about the environment because eventually you will be gone.They believe in redemption community which Berry strongly disagrees with. Berry believes that we need to help take care of the environment and that we are responsible for the environment. He also says that the "redemption community," is taking too long to respond to the environment. He also mentions