6. INTRODUCTION: All is Quiet on the Western Front begins with Paul Bäumer's company at rest, five miles behind the front lines between Langemark and Bixschoote. They have had very little sleep for the fourteen days since they relieved the front line and seventy of their one hundred and fifty men are dead at the hands of Russian gunfire. The cook, Ginger, has fixed rations for the one hundred and fifty and, after arguing with the lieutenant, grudgingly consents to give all the food to the eighty soldiers left, including double rations of smokes. As the narrator remarks, "Today is wonderfully good."…
The novel I read is titled Soldier's Heart written by Gary Paulsen.The book consisted of 128 pages which seemed to be a fairly easy read in my opinion. Soldier's Heart is a historical war novel that is based on a true story of a boy who joins the Union Army. Gary Paulsen writes about his main character that takes you on an adventure from Winona, Minnesota all the way to the battle fields of Gettysburg where the novel ends. The location is also spread across the United States cities such as in Chicago, St. Louis , many of the main battle fields of the civil war for example the Battle of Bull Run. The book takes place in a span of about seven years from 1861 through 1868 when the main character finally dies from earlier war related wounds that at the time were incurable.…
Arlie Russell Hochschild style of writing is what set her apart from others authors in a way that it draws her audiences closer to her book; they feel more connected to her, reading her book. A great example is how Hochschild draws on her expert knowledge of the sociology of emotion to help us understand what it feels like to live in “red” America. A big part of Hochschild research is her deep story ideology. Deep story focused on the American Dream, the idea that, if you work hard and play by the rules, you can have a better life.…
John F. Kennedy's Profiles in Courage discusses the presence of moral fiber, or courage, in the careers of 8 different Senators. Throughout the book, Kennedy tells accounts of how a select few Senators showed courage and displayed moral fiber by standing their ground on certain issues when their party and constituents were in great opposition to them. In Profiles of Courage, Kennedy dedicates one chapter to each Senator and his tale of courage. The following Senators were used: John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, Sam Houston, Edmund G. Ross, Lucius Lamar, George Norris, and Robert A. Taft.…
The Red Badge of Courage setting is during an unnamed battle during the Civil War. Crane deliberately never mentions the place, the date, or e en the fact that the war is the one between the states. However, from The Veteran, the sequel to Red Badge, we know that the Battle in question is actually the aforementioned Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia in…
Born in Spartanburg County, South Carolina on March 26th, 1914 was William Westmoreland. He went from being an Eagle Scout in his local Boy Scout troop to a lieutenant colonel in World War II and a United States Army General in the Vietnam War.…
James M. Cox was an English professor at Dartmouth College in Hanover for 27 years and a visiting professor at Kenyon College, Texas A&M, Princeton University, Emory University, and the University of Virginia. He was also awarded the Jay B. Hubbell medal for his accomplishments in American literature. Based on this information, this source is reliable. This article,” The Red Badge of Courage: The Purity of War” by James Cox, highlighted the key elements of realism portrayed in The Red Badge of Courage. In the article Cox also talks about Cranes other pieces such as Maggie, a Girl of the Streets, The Scarlet Letter, Black Riders, and many more. In this article Cox says, “Crane extends realism down into the society of soldiers. They are invariably…
In the article, The Redeemer Nation, by David Brooks, the author claims that it is very hard today for American people to see our land as promised land. Brooks also asserts that it might even seem promised for the privileged few living in America, but has led to marginalization for the many. Marginalization means treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or peripheral and that is how some Americans feel about their country. David Brooks supports his claim by defining how in today’s society, Americans have no common national narrative. By national narrative, Brooks means one that writes the history of the nation within other stories.…
“The Red Badge of Courage requires a less restricted from of reference, for Solomon realizes that Crane was not directing his attention against the Cooke-Cable-George Eggleston celebration of heroism. Instead he found his real subject in the psychology of motivation under stress and anticipated a view of warfare which had become almost universal in our own country.”(web) There is not many books that have been published in the view of a young soldier from the civil war period, and this book gives the reader a glimpse inside of solider mind. “The youth, in his leapings, saw, as through a mist, a picture of four or five men stretched upon the ground or writhing upon their knees with bowed heads as if they had been stricken by bolts from the sky. Tottering among them was the rival color bearer, whom the youth saw had been bitten vitally by the bullets of the last formidable volley. He perceived this man fighting a last struggle, the struggle of one whose legs are grasped by demons. It was a ghastly battle. Over his face was the bleach of death, but set upon it was the dark and hard lines of desperate purpose. With this terrible grin of resolution he hugged his precious flag to him and was stumbling and staggering in his design to go the way that led to safety for it.” (book) Solomon really gives credit to Crane for writing his book in this fashion and credits this book one of Cranes best works. “Solomon has an acute sense for telling word and image, and without straining has revealed the complexity of texture in the best of Crane’s work.” (web) After reading the critics work I believe that Solomon wrote this because he agrees with Cranes prospective on how young boys grew into men in a time of war. They all start out scared and weak, but by the end they are strong and mighty. Solomon…
Stephen Crane’s short stories, The Red Badge of Courage and The Outcasts of Poker Flat, show how the environment shapes a person’s beliefs and actions. In The Red Badge of Courage, Henry Fleming is transformed by the war that surrounds him. As Henry goes through the realities of war, watching many of his friends die, he matures and realizes that the “red badge” is not everything he imagined it to be. In The Outcasts of Poker Flat, The Duchess is transformed when Tom Simpson and Piney Woods arrive in town. The love the Duchess feels towards Piney transforms her from being just the prostitute to being just as innocent as Piney. In Stephen Crane’s short stories, The Red Badge of Courage and The Outcasts of Poker Flat, Henry Fleming changes ____________…
“War is like love, it always finds a way” (Bertolt Brecht). Although one is pure and the other evil, the forces of both love and war influence the best stories. A more interesting topic emerges when a character must choose between loyalty to a loved one and devotion to government. In “The Sniper” and “Cranes” the main character is involved in a civil war that calls for allegiance to the government despite his feelings for a loved one who fights for the opposite cause. “The Sniper” and “Cranes” share similarities and differences in the plot, the characters, and the theme. Although, these stories are two similar pieces of literature and share many similarities, they both are unique from one another and consist of many differences.…
To be a successful soldier in war, one must endure extensive training in various situations, including but not limited to, medical practice, survival skills, and strategies. This is of utmost importance because without proper instruction or experience, a soldier could potentially die in crossfire. It can be challenged that in his historical short story The Sniper, Liam O’Flaherty utilizes characterization to imply that the Republican sniper has qualities of an experienced soldier in survival skills and combat training to show his successful survival and defeat of his enemy sniper.…
Did the war change Henry? Did it make him mature much faster? Do you think it made him grow up quicker? Many events in the book The Red Badge of Courage proves that Henry is no longer the scared boy he was when he first enlisted for the war. I believe that war can turn a boy into a man. Make a boy become an adult. War is something that is tragic but also can be rewarding. You have to make choices out on the battlefield in a matter of seconds. Some of the choices could affect many people and not just yourself. There are plenty of examples in the book that prove war can change a man. Henry has changed for the better because he now thinks of others, he has to make important decisions, and finally; he becomes courageous.…
Have you ever caught yourself reading a book and wondering what a certain character portrays? While reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the topic of courage sprang upon the discussion. Courage to Atticus FInch is “When you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” Although facing massive struggles, Atticus displays the most courage throughout the book, when he faces obstacles that stand in his way in order to set the correct examples for his children.…
Tuesday night was a very peaceful night. I went to sleep without any interruptions. I was sleeping like a baby well knowing that Red Chief was still missing. That abnoctous, bothersome, pesky boy was finally gone, and I’m glad he’s gone. He makes my skin crawl. I can finally get some rest without worrying if he is bothering Feefee. Feefee is my cat who already has a broken leg from when Red Chief picked her up and slung her across the yard. Poor Feefee has to wear a cast on her broaden leg. Ever since then, I’ve been itching to get away from this town. BOOM! “Uggh, what is it now?” I said as i quickly get out of bed. I zoomed over to look out the dust- bunny covered window. Who do I see? Oooh nooo! Red Chief is back. He was the one making…